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Somethong's changed


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Hey everyone

I've been with my girlfriend for a year and a half and Its been 7 days since she started acting weird. The 2 weeks before that were very stressful weeks as she was studying for the finals and we didnt see each other at all(we see each other alot and almost never fight) . She's told me that something's changed in her but she doesnt know what. She was always the cheerful type and she was always easily smiling, but now she's told me that since the exams week she was crying everyday for nothing. At first she thought it was because of the exams but now the problem persists and she's thinking it has something to do with me. I know she loves me and i know she's trynna distance herself so she doesn't hurt my feelings if she realizes her feelings and that she needs time to think about it. What i'm asking is is it possible she is wring about that feeling being about me? Is she depressed(she doesnt smile or wanna go out anymore with anyone)? How should i act towards her? I'm so lost

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Give her space. Unfortunately it sounds like she's setting the table for a breakup.

The 2 weeks before that were very stressful weeks as she was studying for the finals and we didnt see each other at all. she's told me that since the exams week she was crying everyday for nothing. At first she thought it was because of the exams but now the problem persists and she's thinking it has something to do with me
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She is in cegep (its right before university in quebec) and she needs good grade to go to the college she wants to


I personnaly hope she won't breakup, and she told me she didn't want to when i brought the subject. Maybe she is having doubts?

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She is in cegep (its right before university in quebec) and she needs good grade to go to the college she wants to


I personnaly hope she won't breakup, and she told me she didn't want to when i brought the subject. Maybe she is having doubts?


It is common for people aged 18 to 24 to get depressed at times of transition. This is one of those times. It isn't you. Its fear of the journey ahead of her - fear of failing at it, fear of succeeding.

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If she is losing her feelings for you or attraction towards you there are things you shouldn't do.


Don't keep asking her what is wrong

Don't ask what you can do to make things better

Don't be a wussy, clingy, needy or a doormat

Don't try and fix this problem


Be understanding and supportive

Be strong and confident

Be a good listener

Give her space at the right times

Stay busy with your life

Include her in your plans once in a while "I am going to grab something to eat, want to join me" Don't be pushy, keep it light and if she turns you down just say "Okay, talk to you later"

Offer to come by with food and if she agrees keep it light and just hang out a while and then leave.


Unfortunately there isn't a lot you can do except wait and see what happens. Don't stop your life waiting though, just keep on living your life and give her some time.



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Ok thanks for your answer! I really hope that's the probleme

But how should i act? Should i ask to see her? How much time does it usually take?


I would be her vacation. Don't talk about it. Ask her to go skiing or snowshoeing or something else that gets her out of her head. (and you out of yours) Be fun, relaxed, like youve not a worry in the world.


She may benefit from talking with someone like a counselor but its for her to sort.

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