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high maintenance, self centered, “me first” women


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2 weekends ago. She’s been out of state for work and for the holidays the past week. The last time we hung out she texted me “i feel like it’s hard to hangout with you.” But I fell asleep and didn’t see the text until the next morning and she never told me and somehow the subject changed lol I have no idea what she meant by that. She used to only text me every 3-4 days and would take hours to respond but now it’s daily and always within an hour. I realized when I stopped chasing and started moving on she seemed to try harder to stay in touch and asked me out to the New Years thing.


Play it by ear, again you know deep down where things are headed, if it feels right, go for it, keep us updated and good luck.

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Why not just go out with her on NYE and play it out?


When the ball drops, kiss her or if the timing is right before then, kiss her then!


All this speculation and over-thinking isn't getting you anywhere but more confused.


Also, now you know what she responds to. Your keeping your distance somewhat..


So maintain that status quo and just see how it plays out NYE.


Honestly I’m fine with how we are now. I feel progression. I just love posting on this site and getting advice because I overthink everything. I don’t let it effect me that much. My original post always somehow leads back to the same thing lol not being sure how much she likes me. I already know she obviously wants me in her life if out of all the people she can spend New Years with she wants to spend it with me. She even asked me if I wanted to do something else she was willing to do anything. That means something. I appreciate everyone’s input. Thank you.

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Well uncertainty like this in early stages is very normal, we all experience it to some extent.


Again, just see how it plays out on NYE, that's all you can do.


You're seeing progression because you are being a bit distant now, unlike before when you were chasing her hard.


So keep doing what you're doing because obviously it's working since she's initiating texts every day and asking you out!


Not sure what more you need.

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Models have to focus on their appearance since it's their way of making a living. Not too sure if you're in a substantial relationship to envision so far ahead. Being with someone outwardly beautiful fulfills the ego for a time and most people want beautiful children so that may be a factor of you wanting children with her but you never know if her focus on caring for herself comes from a place of fear or past neglect, time will tell how emotionally available she is to be more giving to other human beings and it's not selfish if she admits it.

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I’m dating a beautiful model who seems to really love herself. I know this is a good thing, but is too much self love a bad thing? She puts herself first now while she’s young with no family, I’m hoping?. She likes to constantly do things for herself and I’m not complaining about anything because I think she’s a perfect match for me at the moment but I’m trying to imagine women like this when they have a husband and kids.. will they continue to constantly put themselves above family? When it comes to family, im the kind of man to put them far above me. It seems to be embedded in me. All the hard work I’m putting in and saving for a future family that I don’t even have. I don’t buy myself much and the thought of having a family one day is what keeps me wanting to succeed in my career. Im not saying I’m already thinking of having children with this girl, but there’s no reason for me to be with her if I’m not thinking marriage one day.. I’m only 23 and I am hoping on having a family close to age 30 and today I was imagining what the girl I’m dating would be like long term. Basically everyday she needs to buy something for herself, needs her own space, needs to feel good about herself. Just constantly think about herself. When she’s in a bad mood she’s distant and I don’t bother trying because ik she just needs her space, but will she neglect her family if she’s not happy with herself?

Do women change when they have children? I guess this may be a complicated question. I’m hoping to hear from women who obviously know more than I would about the change when having a child.


It's you that needs to change. You're behaving like a doormat. You can't attract quality women this way.

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It's you that needs to change. You're behaving like a doormat. You can't attract quality women this way.


Tell coach Corey Wayne his videos and book don’t work on this girl. Because

1. She’s basically a virgin.

2. She told me she won’t have sex with a man unless she’s completely in love and she’s never been in love.

Ask him what I’m supposed to do with a girl like that? He’d say something like “move on, you don’t need a girl like that.” But honestly I come from a strictly Christian family and even though I’ve had sex with a couple women, I’ve only had sex with the ones I’ve been with for over 2 years. I’ve dated over 10 girls. I like girls who wait because I want to wait. My goal isn’t to try and sleep with them ASAP.

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What you are asking is she too selfish to be in a healthy sharing relationship that leads to marriage and children. From what you described my answer would be no she is not.


That doesn't mean you can't keep dating her and see if her feelings grow and the relationship gets a new dynamic where she thinks of you other than when she is bored or wants to be entertained. I have found that many people like this view you as an accessory to their lives, not a big part of it.


Also she is either a virgin or she is not. It is like saying she is a little bit pregnant.


I am sorry I don't think this woman is for you long term.



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Tell coach Corey Wayne his videos and book don’t work on this girl. Because

1. She’s basically a virgin.

2. She told me she won’t have sex with a man unless she’s completely in love and she’s never been in love.

Ask him what I’m supposed to do with a girl like that? He’d say something like “move on, you don’t need a girl like that.” But honestly I come from a strictly Christian family and even though I’ve had sex with a couple women, I’ve only had sex with the ones I’ve been with for over 2 years. I’ve dated over 10 girls. I like girls who wait because I want to wait. My goal isn’t to try and sleep with them ASAP.


Why does he need to tell him? Tell him yourself and get your money back. If his advice is solely how to get

men laid and you're looking to build something with this girl, you'd just be treading water wouldn't you say? I agree his 'methods' wouldn't work, so what now?


Me personally? I'm 50/50 on whether her interest is genuine or if she's using you for a rebound/attention, I honestly can't tell from what you post, but you seem pretty sure she's interested so why are you stressing so much? You're gonna give yourself an ulcer! 😂

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I don't get why you're putting yourself through all this when you've only been on 7 dates. It's way too soon to be deciding she's your future wife and mother of your future children.


I’m not stressing! Lol Everything has been going really well this past 2 weeks. Just because I’m replying to people’s comments trying to explain that she is into me doesn’t mean I’m unsure. Like I said.. if she’s wanting to spend NYE with me, THAT ALONE, means I’m her number one. She could have made plans with one of her girls too sooo obviously she wants me.. I feel it more and more each month. The first 2 months she was wayyy more distant now that I think about it lol. I remember one time I sent her a text and she didn’t reply for 2 days until she finally said “omg I thought I texted back!” lol. I’m gonna ask her if she remembers doing that to me when we are married with kids haha. Take a joke guys. Not everything is so dam serious.

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But you're the one who was worried she might not be a good wife and mother! That sounds pretty "serious" to me.


I thought I said it was just something I couldn’t help but think about. I think about that with any girl I date. I always ask myself “would I possibly want to marry her one day?” I mean is that not what guys do? If I get into a relationship, marriage is always the goal.

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I thought I said it was just something I couldn’t help but think about. I think about that with any girl I date. I always ask myself “would I possibly want to marry her one day?” I mean is that not what guys do? If I get into a relationship, marriage is always the goal.


Rozhni now you're just being insincere for the sake of defending yourself and it's really unnessesary. You can defend yourself without denying what you post. It's ok to be stressed out about your situation, you like her you aren't sure where her head is at, it's causing you anxiety, you start to question things so you post here, nothing wrong with that, but I know me personally, when someone starts unnessesary denying what's in black and white, I just stop replying, I'm not gonna be used to soothe the anxiety of some stranger in Nova Scotia.

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The goal isn’t to “create an opportunity for sex to happen.” -coach Corey Wayne hahaha



Tell coach Corey Wayne his videos and book don’t work on this girl. Because

1. She’s basically a virgin.

2. She told me she won’t have sex with a man unless she’s completely in love and she’s never been in love.

Ask him what I’m supposed to do with a girl like that? He’d say something like “move on, you don’t need a girl like that.” But honestly I come from a strictly Christian family and even though I’ve had sex with a couple women, I’ve only had sex with the ones I’ve been with for over 2 years. I’ve dated over 10 girls. I like girls who wait because I want to wait. My goal isn’t to try and sleep with them ASAP.


Which one is it? What are you asking? What are you telling us? Genuine question.

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I thought I said it was just something I couldn’t help but think about. I think about that with any girl I date.


I always ask myself “would I possibly want to marry her one day?” I mean is that not what guys do? If I get into a relationship, marriage is always the goal.


I don't know, perhaps the guys posting on this thread can answer that!


JMO but I think it's jumping the gun a bit, and has the potential of not allowing the RL to move forward slowly, gradually and organically.


It takes a long time to know if someone is right for us long term, let alone for the rest of our lives.


If you go into every dating situation immediately obsessing about, or even just questioning whether or not you want to marry her, you're defeating the purpose of dating, which is to have fun, have great sex (hopefully lol), spend time, get to know them in order to determine if they are someone you wish to move forward with on a long term basis and eventually marry if all the pieces fit.


You will scare yourself off before you even started!


My advice is to RELAX. Stop stressing about marriage for goodness sakes, it's WAY too soon to even be thinking about that, let alone stressing about it the way you appear to be.

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I am telling you the honest truth. Yes I did have anxiety and stress over her for a few months actually. October-early December. Then I started to look at thingsclearly and I kept writing on here and telling you guys all the bads basically wanting confirmation that I shouldn’t take her seriously.. I backed off.. naturally.. out of hurt.. I no longer wanted to feel like I’m a doormat... it was easy actually.. I started seeing another girl.. then she came back around and called me. Texted me. Called me and talked to me literally scheduling like 4-5 things she wanted to go see with me.. at that point I was really confused and wrote some more posts on here.. now I’m here. I don’t care for her as much as I used to. I still really like her but if she were to cancel NYE with me I wouldn’t even care to ask why. I’d go out with another girl.. this post was just something I was wondering. Not a huge deal. It’s too early to tell what she’d be like as a mom.

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I have anxiety so I often also am wondering "where is this relationship going?" while we're ordering appetizers on the third date or whatever. The mind likes to wander like that. Just try to take your time and get to know her and keep your eyes open for red flags.

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Which one is it? What are you asking? What are you telling us? Genuine question.


So I thought about WHY I think she really likes me and that I’m not crazy.

Okay so I’ve dated girls where when we go out they don’t seem THAT interested. They laugh a little here and there, they are kind of just going with the flow and it’s just an average date. But these girls sleep with me and we have a good relationship but it was never like with this girl now. When we are together she’s like a little girl in a Barbie land world or whatever little girls like. Her eyes glow, she smiles and laughs majority of the time, she stares in my eyes when we talk. Almost like she’s seducing me. She talks A LOT. She’s just ALWAYS excited around me. I’m not even including the things she tells me when we go out. She has said things like “I’ve never connected with someone the way I do with you.” She said that on the first date and has said it many times actually till this day. ANY man would be confused if they go out with a girl like this and get these kind of signals from her BUT only get to see her once a month. I admit, I’m terrible at asking her out because I hardly make definite plans with her. But that’s her fault too because whenever I do ask her out she’s never sure about her work schedule. (She does side jobs too besides modeling.) I just hit her up on like a Friday night and casually ask her if she wants to go out and she tells me something like “I really want to but I’m at my friends house having a sleep over.” Or she has work or something.. it’s just so weird how the girl who seems the most interested out of any girl I’ve dated is the hardest to see and make plans with.

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