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Could my BF be gay or am i being paranoid?


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So I don't even know where to begin as I don't know who to talk to and i'm so embarrassed to ask my friends what they think about this.. So I have been going out with this amazing guy for 6 months and he is everything that I prayed for he is loving, caring and he makes me like the most beautiful girl in the world.. So the other day I was talking to him about my niece's friend who is a boy and I told him that I thought he was gay..and then my boyfriend went on to say what if someone is gay they are in the closet and they are the only one that knows about it and I said what and then he said what if he (the person that is gay) is the only person that knows that he is in the closet.... I had a shock look on my face and then he went on to say never mind.. but the way he said it lie he was talking about himself.. So after this I started to think about other things that made me think that he might be gay... a couple of weeks ago I was at his place and then he touched my boobs and then he said jokingly he wished he had them so I just laughed It off, he also said to me that why does he has to do all the f?cking, why cant he be f?cked... and he said that in a joking way as well and at that time I thought how weird but I just laughed it off.... and then there was one time after I had given him oral sex he went on to say how hopefully he can stop thinking about (he said something that I don't think had to do with what he was really thinking because I gave him a look).. So three days ago because it had been bothering I wanted to test him to see if my theory was right I went on to play with his butt to see his reaction and he opened legs wide open and he really loved it, before then I was praying that he would ask me to stop but he didn't and ever since he has been asking me to play with his butt and rub it .. he also told me he likes his nipples sucked in which I did and he loved it. He also told me before that he used to go to gay bars ans I asked him he would go to gay bars and then he was like I don't know and he after he said honestly its because of drugs ( he used to take drugs before when he was in his early 20s) Ever since then its been like a torture to me as I have been thinking he is gay and then sometimes I'm like he cant be as we have a great sex life and I know he loves me a lot and we have talked about having kids and starting a family but there is this feeling that is my my head thinking that he is gay.. what do you think.. am I being paranoid or do I have a right to be worried.. this is a first time i'm experiencing something like this.. i'm in m late 20s so I don't want to waste my time with someone that is a closet gay and I don't want t end up being married to someone that is living a lie and I think it will unfair to both me and him.. I asked him the other day if he was 100 straight and he said he was....Please help me..

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Yeah, most 100% heterosexual males wouldn't be caught dead in a gay bar.


I agree, he may be bi.


What's his family like? Would they be open to him coming out if he decided to? Or are they super closed up, where it would be too difficult?


He's stopped his drug use? Are you sure? How did he stop?

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If he loves having sex with you then he isn't gay. He might be bi. But he clearly is excited about you, a female.... so not gay. Does it matter if he's bi? If your relationship works and your sex life is good... does it matter that he *could maybe* also be into men?


The only issue I would have with it, would be that I assume my life mate could tell me all about themselves. That they would trust me with their whole self.


Also liking your butt and nipples played with has nothing to do with which gender(s) you are into.

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The only thing that may be an indicator that he is bisexual, is the gay bar bit. All of the other stuff is normal.


The "boobs" thing has NOTHING to do with being gay. Most gay men do not want boobs, that is transgender. He said that, as he loves to play with them. I have had men say that, too.


You sound quite new to sex, as most men enjoy the things he enjoys.

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Thank you all with your responds, I haven't met his family yet but I remember one time he said that his parents were very traditional...and he also said to me one day that anal sex is f?cking painful and I said how do you know and then he said well because he had anal sex with his ex before and he said she told him it was painful.. and well the gay bar thing as well I was wondering here for anyone that has been to gay bars and clubs do straight men go there??

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Thanks for the respond, I haven't met his family yet but I remember one time he said that his parents were very traditional...and he also said to me one day that anal sex is f?cking painful and I said how do you know and then he said well because he had anal sex with his ex before and he said she told him it was painful..


To be fair it sounds like he might be hinting around a lot. Have you ever asked him if he wants to be pegged? Or what he is into sex wise? Have you asked him if he's had sex with men? Have you asked him if he's attracted to men?


These are conversations you can have with him.


Personally it would be a turn off if someone I was dating was hinting around about what they wanted sexually instead of talking directly about it.


But he isn't gay. He likes sex with you. So start talking. Figure out what is up with him. A man going to gay clubs for drugs is going to run into a lot of opportunities to have sex with men. Maybe it's something he is ashamed of.

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