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So on December 1st I was asked to train a new employee who happened to be a female. I work as a courier. Throughout the day the new girl and I shared some personal stuff about ourselves and had a lot in common but I was professional and didn’t ask for her number or anything.


A couple days before Christmas Eve she was assigned a route close to mine. I couldn’t fit all of the boxes in my van so she took a few. At the end of our routes we ended up on the same street and she helped me deliver the last few boxes I hadn’t remaining. She got back to the Station a little bit before me.


The next day my manager came up to me and said hey what’s going on with you and the new girl. I said I don’t know what you’re talking about. He said she was raving about me the night she helped me and was gushing. My manager encouraged me to ask her out so I did.


She said yes she would love to go out with me and gave me her number. But she doesn’t show much interest. I did give her a small gift the morning of Christmas Eve because I had asked her out the day before. She told me yesterday she was texting her friend about me the day I trained her and would show me the conversation but was too embarrassed.


Every once in a while she will send a kissy emoji or tell me she misses me. She did tell me today it’s hard for her to trust men because she was cheated on by her ex bf earlier this year. She doesn’t ask me anything about myself, I initiate all of the conversations. She doesn’t text good morning or goodnight. I told her while the kissy emojis are nice I would like to meet with her tomorrow night and have a real kiss. She said she’s not ready to kiss me and that she doesn’t know what her plans are for tomorrow and would get back to me.

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Yesterday and today she also told me that I make her nervous and her stomach feels like it has a zoo in it. Then at midnight tonight she texted me a selfie of her in bed holding a blanket slightly over her smile with a kiss emoji and a heart. This is the first and only selfie I’ve received so far.

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The only reason I asked for the kiss was cause she sends tons of kissy face emojis, also apparently she had been crushing on me since I trained her almost a month ago and she had been hoping I was going to ask her out.


No we haven’t been out on a date yet but I did ask her and she said she didn’t know her schedule and she would get back to me later. I wanted to see her tonight since we both have the same days off.


I’m thinking she’s probably talking to other guys too and maybe I’m on the back burner

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Hopefully you have read your employer's sexual harassment policy from cover to cover and memorized every word. That some manager tells you 'go for it' won't help you if this thing goes south.

So on December 1st I was asked to train a new employee who happened to be a female.My manager encouraged me to ask her out so I did.
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Yes I read it. And I’m very professional at work. We do give each other a hug in the parking lot prior to walking in and one more prior to heading out on our respective routes. Once we leave the station we don’t see each other again for the remainder of the day and we don’t really text or anything while at work. Well we don’t text much in general.

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So she still hasn’t got back to me about when she can go out. I had asked her out on Tuesday to go out Wednesday night or tonight (Thursday night) she said she didn’t know her schedule. She never got back to me. She does send me somewhat sexy pics in the evening. Last night she sent a pic of her bare legs in the bath tub and then before bed she sent me a pic of her in a nightgown in front of a mirror in somewhat of a sexy pose. She did say good morning to me and she does send kissy emojis occaiosnaly. And occasionally she will send me pics of what her and her son are up to. I try to keep the texting at a minimum but i also don’t want her to think I’m not interested. I just can’t seem to gauge her interest. Personally I think she’s sending those pics to more guys than just me.

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Today everything went fine. I brought her some tea since she’s sick along with some cough drops. She appreciated it and gave me a hug. We got back from our routes at the same time tonight. We chatted in the parking lot for a few minutes. I also do the military reserve thing and told her I had drill duty the second weekend of Jan. She said she was really bummed that I would be gone and asked me to send her pics of me in my uniform. Then when I got home she told me she’s nervous because she just got out of a two year relationship and Ian not sure if she wants to pursue anything with me. Then she asked me to tone it down and that she would tone it down. I said no problem and have a good night.

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So today I kind of ignored her at work but she kept trying to talk to me. She even followed me around the station as I was gathering my stuff to hit the road. She had an easier route than me so she finished loading before I did. She came over to help me load and I told her it was ok she should get a head start on her route since she’s been sick and I was sure she wanted to rest. She refused and continued helping me. Then she gave me two big hugs. Then we departed for our routes. I honestly am confused.

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So on New Years Eve she was late to work since she has been sick. She won a prize at a raffle and I held onto it for her until she got there. I made her more tea at her request. She gave me a couple big hugs at work. Then we went out on our routes. She texted me a couple selfies in the evening and texted Happy New Years at midnight. Then today not a single word from her.

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