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Why won't my best male friend invite me to Christmas when he knows I have no family and alone?


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He obviously cares because he is checking on you. In this life people don't treat us the way we treat them. I guess that's one of the things that make us different from one another. Don't expect people to do something just because you would. You'll find yourself upset quite often

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He obviously cares because he is checking on you. In this life people don't treat us the way we treat them. I guess that's one of the things that make us different from one another. Don't expect people to do something just because you would. You'll find yourself upset quite often


Nor should we treat one another as we would like to be treated, when speaking in detailed terms. We have different needs and therefore treat one another differently.

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Im only 23 so maybe my oppinion isnt completely relevant but I do feel like the holidays are for family. Inviting someone over to spend Xmas together is a big step in a relationship atleast in my opinion. Perhaps he doesnt want to give his family the wrong impression it could be a very big deal for him as well. If he's calling to check up on you and promises to call the next two days he obviously cares alot about you and by you feeling hurt there could be deeper feelings there for the both of you. I know im young but you should never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game. He will never know what youre thinking unless you let him know us guys are funny like that if you care about him and your friendship dont let your frustration ruin that explain to him how you feel the result could surprise you.

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You cannot handle life in a passive aggressive manner.


NO: "i am lonely and sad because i don't have Christmas plans"

him :I am sorry you are sad. i'll call to check on you"


YES: "I don't have any Christmas plans yet. want to go see the Christmas lights with me Christmas eve before you go to your family's house."

HIM: Great idea! or "no, i am going to have to be there early to help mom and dad. How about the following week?"


People are not mind readers. I tell my SO to be direct with me. If someone said "i really want an orchid" I would say: "i just saw them at X. They had lots of colors, you should be able to find one you like" I don't take it to mean: "please buy me one as a gift.


I think that for holidays, you should travel a distance to go back and visit family instead of moping around. Or try to meet new people - not just "failed boyfriends" = use a dating site to meet guy friends. Join meetup groups, volunteer, etc. You may find yourself making Christmas dinner for the "orphans" - people that have family out of town and can't go back home for the holiday.


btw, if he is on the dating site, he MIGHT have met someone to date. you just don't know

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