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Do I text?


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So my bf and I had a falling out because I caught him in another lie. I told him this was the final show that if he wasn’t going to be honest that I was done.


This happened Tuesday. I asked him to do some serious thinking about whether or not he could be honest and a gentleman and continue with us It’s now Friday night and there hasn’t been any contact from him.


My question is, do I contact him or do I wait for him to contact me? What do you suggest?

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So my bf and I had a falling out because I caught him in another lie. I told him this was the final show that if he wasn’t going to be honest that I was done.


This happened Tuesday. I asked him to do some serious thinking about whether or not he could be honest and a gentleman and continue with us It’s now Friday night and there hasn’t been any contact from him.


My question is, do I contact him or do I wait for him to contact me? What do you suggest?

Under no circumstances.
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What is he chronically lying about? Wait for a response rather than pounding this into the ground. It mat be time to reconsider this rather than hoping to change him with ultimatums.

I caught him in another lie. I told him this was the final show that if he wasn’t going to be honest that I was done. My question is, do I contact him or do I wait for him to contact me?
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Don't text. He's the one that lied. He screwed up. You've told him how you feel. It's up to him to either change, or not. You've made your boundaries clear. By contacting him, I think you would be compromising your boundaries. Stay strong.


Further to this, I'm not quite sure why you'd want stay with someone who lies?

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Don't text, don't call.


If this was the final straw then it should just be over. Empty threats mean he will just continue his behavior.


If he doesn't contact you in 2 days, I would forget about him. He obviously doesn't care about you or the relationship. So why care about him and give him so many chances?

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