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Hi all,


So as the title suggests I’m extremely confused and could use some sage advice. First, I am the male in this relationship, my fiancée and I have been together for 1 year and 6 months. At first, everything was amazing, fun, interesting, etc. I will say however that the sexual chemistry was somewhat lacking.


Fast forward to present day. More and more I’m feeling like I don’t enjoy spending time with my fiancée anymore. It’s honestly a burden and the things she wants to do are repetitive and mundane for me. I try and stay positive, and I’ve been in several LTR’s before (3+ years) but I feel like something may be off, and I don’t want to make a huge mistake.


First off, she is an extremely jealous person that was cheated on when she was younger. As a result, she is rather damaged from that relationship. It makes my life difficult because I can’t really do anything or visit friends male or female because she is worried about me.


Second, the sex is still meh. She has a high sex drive which is great but I never really crave her the way I have other women.


Lately, we’ve been fighting non-stop over the smallest things. It is really beginning to get to me and I keep fantasizing there may be something better out there for me. I realize the grass is never greener on the other side, but does anyone have any advice of how to know or what to know in this situation!?


Thank you!

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I personally think you have the answer.. This is you being just engaged, imagine how it would be being stuck with someone you complain about for the rest of your life.. I think the sex thing can be overlooked in comparison with her trust issue! I mean, what is love without trust, it's one of the most important cornerstones in a relationship, otherwise it turns your relationship into something unbearable..Having to deal with her questions about where you've been or what you were doing will sooner make you angry rather than annoyed.. I'm sorry, but this isn't what a relationship should look like! Just leave!

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Get out. This is not your life partner.


Whoa! Doesn't everyone deserve a chance? Her Jealousy is from the past. Is there no way the bot of you can talk this through? Can there not be set boundaries so the jealousy doesn't rise?


Sex can be spiced up a bit if its gone stale. For someone to say this is not your life partner is a bit extreme. Try different things first and if it ultimately doesn't work then end it but try to fix things first.

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Not wanting you to spend time with guy friends is unreasonable and a deal breaker in itself. You need a fulfilling social life besides spending time with a partner, and the fact that she would pout, or be angry, or not trust you if do this is outrageous.


You're incompatible in what activities you like to do and incompatible in sex. Why are you even asking if you should stay together, especially since you daydream about how much better it might be with another woman. The answer is slapping you in the face.

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Whoa! Doesn't everyone deserve a chance? Her Jealousy is from the past. Is there no way the bot of you can talk this through? Can there not be set boundaries so the jealousy doesn't rise?


Sex can be spiced up a bit if its gone stale. For someone to say this is not your life partner is a bit extreme. Try different things first and if it ultimately doesn't work then end it but try to fix things first.


He said the sex has never been good.

Plus, he says she is boring. If this were 10 years in, and the were having these problems, then yes it could change.

Then we have the jealousy issues! There are many problems here!


They are not compatible.

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