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Frustrated over breakup, expecting too much?


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It was also strange to me because at one point, I said, "Hey let's make a plan for Saturday." Then he said, "No I don't like to make plans in case something comes up, on my part." So he was always wanting me to hang out with him on a whim, which is what happened every time we did hang out. It was, "Hey, I can pick you up in an hour."


Well, in my book, someone who won't make plans with me but expects me to be ready on a whim and often wouldn't be a good match for me, anyway. Mature people with relationship potential are considerate, especially during holiday time. This guy just wants playmates. Is that really good enough for you?

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Well, in my book, someone who won't make plans with me but expects me to be ready on a whim and often wouldn't be a good match for me, anyway. Mature people with relationship potential are considerate, especially during holiday time. This guy just wants playmates.




Is that really good enough for you?


^Apparently not which may be why she was rarely available.


Personally, I have no issue with that; what bothers me is her attitude that he "should" be waiting around ... for her to either "become" available or to become more interested in him to where she "wants" to be available.


As if because she's "her," she's entitled to have guys waiting around months or years (like other men have apparently done) for her to make up her mind.


And from what she's written, it would not have mattered if he 'had' asked her out the "requisite" three days in advance, she was "too busy" regardless. She admitted it. Her writing career, "family" etc.


I agree, the guy is no saint either (for reasons you just stated), but his behavior isn't the subject of this thread.


Other than he got tired of waiting around and started dated someone else who is a better fit for him, and more available.

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^Apparently not which may be why she was rarely available.


Personally, I have no issue with that; what bothers me is her attitude that he "should" be waiting around ... for her to either "become" available or to become more interested in him to where she "wants" to be available.


As if because she's "her," she's entitled to have guys waiting around months or years (like other men have apparently done) for her to make up her mind.


And from what she's written, it would not have mattered if he 'had' asked her out the "requisite" three days in advance, she was "too busy" regardless. She admitted it. Her writing career, "family" etc.


I agree, the guy is no saint either (for reasons you just stated), but his behavior isn't the subject of this thread.


Other than he got tired of waiting around and started dated someone else who is a better fit for him, and more available.

I second this
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