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Office Holiday Party - Nervous!


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^ Gotta admit, I laughed.


I'd agree to a more mild version of Holly's policy. Probably wouldn't show off the girls, but feel free to look good and be comfortable. Also maybe a drink an hour rather than a drink for the whole night-- that is if that's what you're already used to.


But that even feels awkward to have to write. Basically just don't get tanked and don't fondle the atypically buff IT guy. And probably best not to talk shop. You've gotten this far as an adult, so I assume you've got some basic sense of professional boundaries. Just exercise that common sense.

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Whatever you do, don't do the Limbo with that little black dress on. The whole office staff will tell you, during different times at work the next day what colour your thong was. *ugh, true story*
I told you this story in confidence, TWT.
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I'm actually intrigued WHY you're so nervous? :confused: It really is simple and all it takes is common sense. Behave appropriately and don't get blind drunk and make a massive fool of yourself or create a scene etc. You don't want to be the one everyone talks about the next day at the office and points a finger at. Common sense.

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I agree with the no alcohol/extremely limited alcohol. It's tempting to have a few to "loosen up", but I have so many horror stories about people who tried to use alcohol to relax and ended up making themselves look like BooBoo the Fool instead. Like the Director of Finance at my previous employer who became "bi-curious" when she drank and asked every.single.woman at the party if they wanted to make out. Or one of my friends who became so drunk he fell over a railing. Or the other coworker who was smart enough to rent a room at the hotel where the party was held, but was not smart enough to realize he was too drunk to try to take a bath and flooded the hotel because he passed out while filling the tub.


I suggest getting one drink and holding it all night. That way, nosey coworkers won't keep asking you why you aren't drinking.


And yes, dress appropriately. No skin-tight, cleavage revealing spandex dress or ripped jeans.


And have conversations! It's a great way to get to know your coworkers better.


I'm curious too...why so nervous?

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^ Gotta admit, I laughed.


I'd agree to a more mild version of Holly's policy. Probably wouldn't show off the girls, but feel free to look good and be comfortable. Also maybe a drink an hour rather than a drink for the whole night-- that is if that's what you're already used to.


But that even feels awkward to have to write. Basically just don't get tanked and don't fondle the atypically buff IT guy. And probably best not to talk shop. You've gotten this far as an adult, so I assume you've got some basic sense of professional boundaries. Just exercise that common sense.


My limit is usually two a night, or I will be drunk - cheap date, I suppose. That is why I went for the conservative route. If I did a drink an hour at a 3 hour party, I would be flying.

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Last night at our company party, AT the managers house, one of my co workers who I don't really know well, did ALL the 'don't do' things! She drank too much. Was obnoxiously loud. And was dirty dancing with the only male guy at work...lol only thing was that she wasn't dressed half naked...but she was just wayyyyy over the top. A few of us got her on video...lol and THAT is forever.

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Last night at our company party, AT the managers house, one of my co workers who I don't really know well, did ALL the 'don't do' things! She drank too much. Was obnoxiously loud. And was dirty dancing with the only male guy at work...lol only thing was that she wasn't dressed half naked...but she was just wayyyyy over the top. A few of us got her on video...lol and THAT is forever.


Good God! Was she at work today? Did she remember anything?

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Haha not sure I was off but I can only imagine!!


Similar story where the guy had maybe too much of a good time and decided to come in late the next day to work (we were fairly new employees, he was my office mate, good guy). Anyway as the elevator doors opened around 11am, he looking slightly disheveled, etc trying to sneak in -- he was greeted by all the higher ups and everyone in my department in the elevator lobby because there was an impromptu fire drill.

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