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Share your stories: Do your ex(es) come back after some time and what did you do?

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Only been dumped once, but that ex didn't end up ever "coming back." We're on decent terms and catch up very occasionally. She's married with two kids and I'll be getting married this summer to a lady with whom my relationship has been exponentially better than with the ex. So, in the end, it seems she made the right choice for both of us, so can't say I'm not happy she never came back.

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Only been dumped once, but that ex didn't end up ever "coming back." We're on decent terms and catch up very occasionally. She's married with two kids and I'll be getting married this summer to a lady with whom my relationship has been exponentially better than with the ex. So, in the end, it seems she made the right choice for both of us, so can't say I'm not happy she never came back.


wow! i'm happy to hear that. glad that you found your rainbow after the rain. :) Congratulations in advance!

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Hmmm....an ex contacting me is a bit like "oh look at what the cat dragged in....eeeewwww...I need hazmat gloves and a trashcan......" Ex's to me are things that are best left in the past. I've never allowed them to open up the conversation to a point where getting back would even come up. I simply do not want them in my life anymore in any capacity regardless of who dumped who or the fact that my break ups are civil. There are reasons why we are not together anymore and it's really for the best that way.

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I've had two ex's come back - both within 3 months.


But it didn't work out. Ironically, I'd moved on by that point. In both cases there was a brief reunion, but then I ended it. Not out of malice but more like it just didn't seem right anymore. However, "h3ll hath no fury like a woman who dumps her b/f then comes back and then gets dumped by said b/f soon after"


*of course, during the three month of being apart, especially the first 6 weeks, I would have done ANYTHING to get them back....gosh life is weird

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My last 3 exes tried to "come back". And I didn't want them.


I mean, come on, why would I want a guy who #1. cheated and lied, #2. lied while we were dating about sleeping with other women and only tried to come back because his girlfriend was dying (not kidding, sadly) and he wanted to make sure he had a vagina lined up to stick his penis into when she finally did die (again, not making this up), or #3. had dumped me because he "wasn't feeling it" and had spent the previous 3 years in prison for drug and theft crimes.


And believe it or not, I actually thought I loved all 3 of them at the time they dumped me/got revealed! Silly me.


And I don't care if they have good lives or not. It doesn't concern me in the least because I don't want any of them. Someone dumps me, lies to me, cheats, isn't "feeling it", whatever, they don't get to have my company anymore.

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Surprisingly enough every single one of my exes has come back at some point or another. My first boyfriend in high school (dated two years) came back throughout the years but he had left me for his ex and I never went down that road again. I dated someone on and off for 7 years starting my senior year of high school, we had a terrible split it truly broke my heart, I moved states because of it and now he's coming back saying he's ready and in love with me and ready for our "family". Other than that the guys I've dated for smaller amounts of times have also always come back saying they made mistakes etc.. Beginning of a break up it seems like the only thing you want but by the time you move on and realize they are no good all it is is annoying, I've dated a bunch of losers all afraid commitment And I've always been a good girlfriend so eventually when they get lonely or bored they realize what they had.

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Every darn one of them made a comeback.

I've only been dumped once, that was this summer. His comeback tour can go away,

honestly. He's back to pulling his same crap disappearing. I'd block him but I can't.

Not contacting him ever again. He sets me back with his mind games too much.


My others-- Well---I'm now single, so.... ya none worked out after

returning, lol :) when issues aren't fixed and creep back up, it's impossible to stay together.

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Well, I was being dumped and my dumper never came back. In fact at the threshold of the break up, I was the one running behind him wanted him at any cost. However, nothing worked out. In most cases, dumpers do come back. And in some cases like mine, they don't, they just don't come back and live their life happily after :p

Now, I don't even hope. Just trying to live my life with guilts and regrets. :D

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My ex is still kinda in my life and i would take her back! We broke up due to her anxiety depression, she overthought situations that were never there or should have been considered by the time she wanted to discuss things with me, her mind was made up on breaking up. I didn't understand what was going on till it was too late, i believe she was talking to another guy (the grass is greener situation). We both have new partners now and exchange the odd message now and again but I'm not as warm to her as i was! - i miss her loads as she was the one in my mind and i thought i was for her. I have a feeling it may happen again as we have always managed to cross each others paths for years before we got together, so we will see what happens!

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Nope after my break ups my exes somehow disappear and I never run into them anywhere! I swear it's like the burmuda Triangle where all my past relationships go. 😂


hahah good thing for you tho. you dont have to deal with the same person and can move one with less difficulty

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I've had an ex express a new interest, it was ignored because she ended it with me. Take her back, and she'd just do it again. I don't go back to women who dumped me, unless they have had some therapy and self work, and I can see the progress.

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