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How do I get over this

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My partner of 2 years ended our relationship 3 weeks ago saying he didn't feel the same as before and wasn't ready to settle down. I'm heartbroken and the pain is just getting worse instead of better. We split in April due to me suffering depression and pushing him away. After a month we were back together and everything was good. He stopped taking his anti depressants and everything was great. We had a holiday in October then a week after the holiday he became distant and told me he didn't feel the same as before and he didn't seem to have any emotions about anything so was gonna try smoking weed to get his emotions back. Then 3 weeks ago we had a discussion and he text me the next day saying he loved me but wasn't in love with me and he didn't want to be in a relationship anymore. I know in my heart that his mind is made up and he's never coming back. I feel broken and destroyed and honestly don't know how to make myself feel better

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After a 2 year relationship, you will most likely feel upset for a good 4 to 6 months. Just know it's a necessary process to heal and eventually be able to move on. Spending time with friends, starting a new hobby, and pampering yourself will help your outlook during this time. We've all been there. When you get some distance from the relationship and you find a new partner, you will then realize why it was for the best that your former relationship had to end. I know that happened to me. Take care.

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Whenever someone writes "he stopped taking his anti-depressants" you know there's trouble coming. And when the same person writes "me suffering depression" you know there's an extra serving of trouble coming. I think you need some time to heal yourself and stay away from future boyfriends with depression ot some other kind of illness. You'll be happier.

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