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I have been kind of talking to this guy for two months. He's got two kids he has shared custody of and i have two kids I have with me. We met online. I was moving to his home town because of a job and because I have family there so we began talking. He's real. I did my homework. I always do my homework because I have kids. He would contact me sometimes. I would contact him sometimes. It wasn't every day. Sometimes we would go a week without texts. He doesn't really seem to know how to flirt or talk to girls. He says he is shy and has been completely single for 6 years. He's 42. Anyway I flirt with him. Sometimes he seemed like he liked me and sometimes I can't tell. It's hard to figure out. Well it's been two weeks and no messages from him. I will sometimes message him but I kind of wanted to gauge his interest and I don't think he's interested otherwise I would have heard something right?


I have since moved to the same town for a job and because my family is here. He knows this is the week I'm supposed to be here.


I was ghosted last time I was talking to a guy so I'm not going to reach out to him.


It's just weird.


I wish people would tell you up front they are not interested.

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No. I tried one week we were both child free but his job kept him out until pretty late working in another town. But he texted as soon as he got in to let me know he just got in.


He mentioned meeting up after that when we were talking.


A couple of weeks ago when we were talking I mentioned after I moved to San Angelo we should do something. He said it sounded good. But I haven't heard nothing in two weeks. I went ahead and deleted his number. If he's not interested there no point to keep trying.

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He might be married and was just enjoying the diversion.


Or he might be a Nigerian scammer.


He might be a lot of things. What he isn't, is an actual human being in front of you at a table.


My advice: Move on. Keep him deleted. And for future reference, text a few times, schedule a meet, and look into their eyes rather soon. I don't let these texting strings go on for more than a week without an actual meet date.

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He might be married and was just enjoying the diversion.


Or he might be a Nigerian scammer.


He might be a lot of things. What he isn't, is an actual human being in front of you at a table.


My advice: Move on. Keep him deleted. And for future reference, text a few times, schedule a meet, and look into their eyes rather soon. I don't let these texting strings go on for more than a week without an actual meet date.


I agree. Text to build some rapport, and then have an actual date. Figure out what this person is about and whether you want to continue seeing them/if they want to see you.

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