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My lazy boyfriend.


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Honestly I am so annoyed. Like I LOVE my boyfriend I really do but he is so lazy. I work full time as a server and he doesn’t work. He contributes with money and that’s fine honestly it’s not even about the money. It’s about the fact that he’s so lazy. I come home from a long day of work and I’m PISSED becusse I find him in bed playing video games ALWAYS. The room is a mess he hasn’t done anything. He doesn’t take out the trash, wash a dish or even do laundry. I do EVERYTHING IN THE HOUSE. All he does is walk the dog. I really do not know what to do. It’s like we fight I say mean things we say sorry and It happens again. I’m so fed up about It I do love him and do want to be with him but I really don’t know what to do anymore. I’m 22 and he’s 27 and I feel like I have a son already. Please help.

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I know I know but really it’s easier said than done. I also love him a lot. I feel like he has the potential to grow up and fend for himself. It’s deep down there somewhere. My boyfriend is also over weight and eats horrible. I love him still but even when I say let’s go for a walk or sign up for the gym he is against It.

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I know I know but really it’s easier said than done. I also love him a lot. I feel like he has the potential to grow up and fend for himself. It’s deep down there somewhere. My boyfriend is also over weight and eats horrible. I love him still but even when I say let’s go for a walk or sign up for the gym he is against It.

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OP, this is not going to get better without a serious wake-up call.


He is surrounded by enablers - you and his dad. Stop being his Mommy and make it clear he needs to start pulling his weight. Why would do anything for himself otherwise? He has a built-in maid and caretaker.

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What was it about him that made you think he was a real winner back when he was working a whole two days a week and vegging out to video games the rest of the time?


I wouldn't date, much less move in with someone who still lives at the mercy of mom and dad's wallet. And none of it exactly sounds brand new in your situation. You can either whine about it or take action and go your own way.

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This guy is not going to change.


Don't stay in this relationship for his 'potential'. Don't take on the role of 'mom'. He has a mom. You are a partner. He either needs to act like one, or you need to walk away. If you don't he will continue this way for the rest of your relationship.



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If you love him, why would you act against his best interests by letting him use your home to escape work? That's not helpful to him.


I'd tell him that I adore him and can picture the two of us dating in the future, so that's why he needs to go live with his Dad while we still think highly of one another. If he ever opts to work and he wants to take me out on a date, he can let me know. Until then, I wish him the best.

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