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What should I do?


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On our one year relationship anniversary, my boyfriend and I spent the weekend together and got into a huge argument when he got “hangry” and raised his voice at me. I then called him a bad word for yelling at me. He started crying saying how much time and effort he spent planning our anniversary and then drove me home immediately and didn’t speak to me for 8 days.


I then get this message:

“I got your voice message last week. To be quite frank, I've been so mad about everything that I really couldn't handle dealing with it. In the event you'd like to talk, feel free to call this evening when you get off work. I'm not promising anything other than to hear you out. If you don't want to talk that's fine too. My text messaging ability is only working on a send basis. Haven't been able to receive a text for the last couple of days, so if you respond to this, I won't get it.”


I don’t feel like he accepts any fault for yelling at me from reading his text message and he also gave me the silent treatment for 8 days.


I’m so grateful for any help!

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He needed space and he wants to talk.

I doubt it's true about his texting, he most likely wants to here if you are sincere and maybe put you on the

spot with questions that you won't have time to delay an answer with, like you could with text.


Honestly, I get hangry too, it happens. I feel there's more stressing him than this though, even at that time.

He's giving you a chance, it's up to you to accept talking or not.

The silent treatment hurts like hell, but sometimes people retreat so as to not say anything more that

can hurt. Words said in anger cannot be undone.


If you go into this expecting an apology, you will be on the defensive.

If he offers one on his own, that's great. If not, don't demand it.

If you're truly sorry, say it. Then see how it plays out.

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I would talk to him because texts can be misinterpreted. It seems odd that he can only send messages but ok. Has he yelled at you before? What was the argument about?

I agree. I would talk to him. It seems he needed space to cool down, which sometimes can be a good thing and necessary. Now you both have the chance to share your views and listen. No blame slanging matches.

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He has yelled at me before most times when he is hungry and wants to eat immediately.


I called him and he said he suggested talking by text because his mom suggested he hear me out.


He asked how I was and I told him I was happier alone than I was towards the latter part of the relationship but I suggested counseling to work on communication and he said he wasn’t sure he wanted to try again and would let me know in a week if he wanted to try counseling/try again. I’m thinking it would be better to move on at this point if he is unsure still? I’m happier without him but I do think there is potential but this constant thinking it over a week at a time seems extreme. Grateful for advice 😊

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He talked to you by text but supposedly his texting was not working? This guy is full of equine manure. And not very bright.


I would just be done. This is not conflict-resolution. And based on your past threads about him, he checked out long ago and likes to wield control and power over you. This is so unhealthy - surely you see this isn't love, OP?


Dump him and find your self-worth, my friend.

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He has yelled at me before most times when he is hungry and wants to eat immediately.


I called him and he said he suggested talking by text because his mom suggested he hear me out.


He asked how I was and I told him I was happier alone than I was towards the latter part of the relationship but I suggested counseling to work on communication and he said he wasn’t sure he wanted to try again and would let me know in a week if he wanted to try counseling/try again. I’m thinking it would be better to move on at this point if he is unsure still? I’m happier without him but I do think there is potential but this constant thinking it over a week at a time seems extreme. Grateful for advice 😊


You feel happier without him.

This is all the reason you need to now move forward.

You talked, you don't really want this. Best to let go now.

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