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is he into me??


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i’ve been texting this guy for about a month now and we get along so incredibly well. I thought i’d never find the connection I had with my ex but this new guy has proved me wrong. we’ve hung out twice and he held my hand the last time. he’s very nice, really tries to get to know me, compliments me, and convo flows effortlessly although he’s not extremely flirty, just very sweet. i’ve met his parents and it sounds like he wants to bring me around his friends too. he also always brings up going to a bunch of cool places together, but seems like he doesn’t keep his word. we don’t really hang out consistently, he doesn’t text me every single day, and his ex dumped him just two months ago. things have been going very slow and I like it that way but I can’t tell if he actually wants to date me. I know it’s only been a month but I feel like I don’t wanna invest any more time if i’m actually wasting it? i️ can’t even tell if i️m just a rebound? what should I do and how else could I know whether or not this guy might actually want to be exclusive with me some day?

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I suggest you will know that answer at thr same time he does, and after you each have ended up exclusive as a function of simply not liking nor making time for others.


wait. you dont need to know everything now. when the future arrives you'll be ready for it.

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What age group are we talking about here? Do you mean you just went over his place and he didn't take you out or anything, you just hung out? That doesn't sound like he's ready for a relationship or he doesn't care much about you. Texting is not a "connection." Sounds like he just wants someone to talk to.

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we don’t really hang out consistently, he doesn’t text me every single day, and his ex dumped him just two months ago.
Sounds pretty normal considering you both are not a couple or exclusive and he just got out of a relationship. I would say you are thinking a bit too much (which again is normal when you really like somebody) and just relax, enjoy the moments you have together and let things naturally progress.Are you attracted to guys that are the leader in a relationship and make most of the decisions instead of a woman? If not, then how about you make a move or invite him on a date, hm?
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Sounds pretty normal to me he does like you but 1. Your to available to him every time he reaches out. 2. It's only been a month relax stop overthinking and try to do other things go out with friends hobbies etc when he calls be nice flirty but with a balance and end conversations before him be a little misterious don't always be available that way he will fantasize more about you let him win the prize don't make it so easy make it a challenge to get you of course always a balance and let him reach out work for it can't pressure things.take things slow get to know each other but in the process make it challenging sometimes be unavailable to answer answer late to his text sometimes end conversations first don't call him as much in one day or text then out of the blue when he thinks you are not going to text him text him hey what's goin on be playful and confident you got this you are just uncertain expecting something stop that do what I told you and let it be .

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