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well a ex gf who broke my heart in a recent convo where she told me she was seeing someone. she told me she's misses my qualities. and that she misses alot of things with me that this guy don't do. she told me to find a gurl. just so confusing why would she say she misses anything about me knowing how hard I took it

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Well, she still likes you but she's young and confused. Her emotions are all over the place right now and she doesn't know what she wants. She may be seeing that she dumped you for a guy who's not as good as you are. Maybe she'll come back to you. Who knows? But young people don't know how to control their impulses and their feelings are all over the place. Hopefully you'll find a nice girl who isn't as confused.

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Well look at the bright side! You made a positive impression on her, and she's comparing!

Also means she shouldn't be dating because comparing does not allow the person to see the

qualities the other has to offer. But anyway, she's not the issue here...


Are you friends? This is why , in general, it's not a good idea to friend an ex.

You have to have be over them, have no attraction, and be able to handle knowing when they are with

someone else. What is the reason you still have contact with her?

Often exe's will think it's okay to say these things, and not necessarily because they want to cause you pain.


Her telling you to find a girl means she wants you to move on.

Unless she's playing a game, and trying to find out if you have, without directly asking you.

But remember just because someone misses certain qualities about you, does not mean they

want to get back together.

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thanks you all. she wasn't gonna tell me she was seeing someone until I stupidly asked her for coffee and said I was t looking for a date. know it sounds stupid but she said she would delete my sister off fb if she got with someonne and I'm stil l blocked cuz I asked her to when it w


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thanks you all. she wasn't gonna tell me she was seeing someone until I stupidly asked her for coffee and said I was t looking for a date. know it sounds stupid but she said she would delete my sister off fb if she got with someonne and I'm stil l blocked cuz I asked her to when it w




Chin up! Her loss. It wasn't stupid of you.

Don't worry about being blocked, block her so you never know if you're unblocked.

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