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Dating a single mom, need help


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She's 26 has a 7yr old daughter, vegetarian, definitely a single. She spoke once about her ex, I left it alone. She works 2 jobs, she said she only needed the one job. We have a definite date next Sunday. She's definitely into me I have alot going for me and I think that's what she likes. But thing is and I get she has a kid she takes hours to reply to txt. I know for certain she's interested in me, but she takes forever to reply, she txt me at 230 this afternoon simple hey what's up. My dogs sick so I've been taking care of the dog most of the day, I got busy and couldn't reply right away. I replied simply cleaning house and taking care of the dog. About hour after she originally sent me a text. Again I get with a kid who she doesn't get to spend alot of time with it's her number one priority

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I'm wondering just what your problem is. This woman has a 7 yr old who needs her mom and part of being a good mom is devoting as much time as possible to the girl. If this woman is working two jobs when she only needs one job, that's taking time away from her daughter so perhaps on weekends she is spending more time with her. So what if she takes a few hours to reply to a text? You say she likes you, so why are you fretting about this? This child is number one in her life and so she should be. You need to think long and hard if you want to date a woman with a young child and can deal with the special circumstances that brings.

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Ex is starting to move out of my life on her own, her mom gave her an ultimatum, said it's her family or me. Well she chose family and new gf. I have 2 females both lined up, one being the single mom who is really cute and is more aligned with my goals than the other female

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Ok, you got me. And you're right, I need to be more patient and accepting. It's just weird she's wanting to txt one minute and then nothing the next


Actually that's not weird at all, it comes with the job of being a mother to a young child. Her spare time anytime she's with her child will be limited. Think long and hard to decide if you are up to this or not.

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I know some guys who date single moms will encounter the same situation as you. At first, you need to figure out how to get along well with single mom. She has kids, and of course she can not spend her all time on you. So if you do not know how to deal with the relationship with single mom, you should know whether you should date a single mom. Just figure out if you are the right man for single mom, or you are just wasting your time and energy.

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I personally wouldn't pursue it given your personality. You seem a little bit needy, which is fine, most of us are. The problem is that she has a kid so it's always gonna be an issue for you. Dating a single mom is a problem, especially given your age. Just NC and find someone who's more receptive/available/interested.

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I don't think you are needy or out of line with your expectations, you are just pursuing the wrong woman. This is a compatibility issue plain and simple. This is why we date...to see if our needs and expectations can be fulfilled and you can fulfill theirs. You should pass on this one and keep looking.

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My own example

t is difficult to explain what its like to have zero time to your own thoughts. After 17 years of it, I wonder if it hasn't taken a longer lasting toll on my brain, kind of like muscle strain from years of overuse. When I first started dating men would try to connect by saying, When is a good time to call you? Well, no time, really. I am on call for them until they go to bed and after that I want to be quiet, to hear my brain without interruption.


I have become a prolific texter. But sometimes, I just can't process your thoughts. I miss nyself, and need me first before I can attend to you. Its why I like it so much when someone else plans an outing. They did the thinking and all I have to do is show up

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Sorry I haven't replied to anything in a couple days. Reason has been my dog has been sick the last couple days. But anyway dog is getting she is a beautiful brown and white Siberian husky puppy 6.5months. ok back to my situation. Well it's actually been going really good I've tend to relax on being so anxious with her time it takes to reply. We have been texting alot the last couple of days. I've sent a couple good morning/night txt which I was worried about and she's responded very playfully and has enjoyed seeing them. Again we still are spending time together on Sunday night. We are going out to play pool and have drinks I feel this is an easier way to get us both relaxed enough that we can open up and see who we are. She has steadily opened up to me thru txt. She is also tested me aswell. She has a medical condition and she mentioned it on a number of different occasions, I think she wanted to see if it would bother me. Which it doesn't because a number of people in my family have the same condition and I explained it to her too. We planned on meeting up at the pool hall/bar which. Her profile said she lived in city A but really she lives in B, she said the pool hall is down the street from her house. I told her I made it closer on purpose for the fact that if her child had an emergency and she needed to rush home she would be reasonable close. Which in reality it's like 5mins from her. She's told me quite about herself and her fair amount about her daughter not much about the father. Other than she goes with her daughter on visits to her dads because she doesn't trust the dad. She didn't get into specifics and I didn't ask because it's not my place. She's thanked me numerous times for being considerate, and feels bad she doesn't reply soon enough and for falling asleep on me. She has even gone as far as asking about my dog and how she's doing. She's told me how the last Xmas have been a struggle for her and her daughter and how her co-workers donated money so she can have a xmas for her daughter. Everytime I talk to her I find more of a reason to be attracted to her. I don't think she has much experience dating because she constantly is saying sorry for almost nothing. She even said that she feels like she bothers me sometimes and I told her she is not a bother. She is definitely a lil needy which doesn't bother me at all. I think she does see something in me and after so many other women that have come and go. I actually feel like she has the most potential because she has her together.

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So she has medical issues and money struggles.




Not to say I haven't been in that exact same situation, but I don't reveal those things to dates because it looks like I'm looking for a provider, and I certainly am not.


But, I hope the date goes well and she's a sincere person.

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Focus on dates. Set up a date. If she follows through with dates, that's all your concern at this early stage. Since its not appropriate to meet her daughter yet - her priority is her daughter, job, dog and then she goes on dates with you. As you date her longer, you can be included more into her life.

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Right, I don't want to meet her daughter til we've been dating for at least 3 months. I know I'm not a high priority on her list. I think she likes me tho or is at least curious nto what I'm about


gee--- you have only been dating a couple weeks. I think things are going fine for a couple weeks. if she dropped everything for you, i'd worry. And i wouldn't meet her daughter at 3 months - i'd give it MUCh longer than that

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i'd give it MUCh longer than that


I dated a single mother once with 4 kids (don't know what I was thinking!!)

We started dating in January, didn't meet her kids until May (or whenever First Communions usually take place).


Even after that, it took a while longer until they were somehow included in our dates or time together.

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So I had the date last night. It was honestly the best 1st date ive ever been on. She is amazing more so in person than txt. We set up a 2nd date for this weekend coming up. We made out and we're holding hands. She likes me alot and wants to see how things go so we are taking it slow and getting comfortable with each other. We talked alot while playing pool.

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I am a single mom of a 3 yo and have a demanding job. So forget about weekday. Just talk about weekend. This is how I explained to my boyfriend why it took me 3 hours to answer his "Good morning" text: I woke up in the morning, and saw a "good morning" text. I was very happy, but before I could reply, my son was up and pulled me away from my phone, demanding breakfast. I was busy making him 3 different things for breakfast because at first, he wanted a grilled cheese, but then he changed his mind and wanted waffle, just to finally settled with an oatmeal. While he was eating, I could have answered the text, but nope, I could not because he wanted to watch Youtube on my phone. Sure I could offer him the iPad, and normally he would accept the offer, just not that day for some reason!

So then, by the time he finished his breakfast, which took an hour btw, I had to change him and cleaning & stuff because he spilled his orange juice. Then he wanted to cuddle for a book. Before I sat down with him, I could have sent a quick reply, but dang, I could not find my phone. I didn't know where he hid it, and good luck with asking him for the answer. So I decided that I would reply to the text after the reading session. After an hour or so, I heard a "ding". Yay. I found my phone. So I sent a quick "Good morning!" before my son screamed for attention, and the reply I got was "Should be good afternoon now...". Yeah, it was pass noon. So It was time for his lunch and his nap...!

Just saying...

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I understand the long reply times now. She puts her daughter to bed at around 9pm/930pm every night. Which I'm at work at that time til 11pm by the time I get home it might be midnight, so we talk as much as we can, when we can. But we both enjoyed the time spent together the other night, she's coming over Saturday night after I get out of work to spend time with me.

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