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Will I ever get my stuff back from my ex?


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My ex and I broke up five months ago while I was overseas.


I left pretty much all my winter closet and some other belongings at his place where I used to live in.


We communicated a couple of times regarding my possessions after the breakup. He said he would help me ship or return them to me whenver/whereever i needed.


I got back in the country two weeks ago and have been trying to contact him to pick up my stuff. I figured he probably didn't feel comfortable to talk to me so I also had my friend texted him and let him know he could contact her directly about the pick up.


I waited and still got no response so I decided to pay him a visit. He wouldn't see me then later responded to me telling me he was super busy but would have time to drop off my stuff sometime this week. I told him he could drop my stuff at my friend's place. It's been over a week and I still got no response and further info from him. I don't really know what to do as I don't feel like contacting him again in case we get into argument again.


Any thoughts?

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I'm wondering if he even has your stuff anymore. You really have to act quickly in these instances. If you have a lawyer friend, it might be worth a phone call from him hinting at taking him to court. Or maybe your friend can tell him you're really pissed and you have the papers to take him to court. You could try asking his landlord to let you in, or wait at his home for him to come home and collect your stuff. There are a couple of ways to scare him into giving you your stuff.

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Contact him one last time to ask what is his convenience in regard to these things. If they are still in his possession or have been disposed.


Send him a self mailed box or a shipping label to his email.


If you do not hear back in a period of 2 weeks, as I can imagine Christmas time can cause mail traffic, then let all these material possessions go. Just not worth the sweat if a person treats you this way.

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To be honest, that was my first guess that he could possibly have tossed my stuff. When I asked him last week about that he was really upset and told me he truly cared about me and would never do something like that.


You are right. I might have to consult a lawyer friend regarding this matter. I wish I never had to scare him because I really want to end on good terms.

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