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Bf[24M] took back a gift he gave me[28F] while fighting


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Me[28 F] and my bf[24M] saw each other for a month and now in an ldr.

When we were seeing each other in person, there was a time when we fought over a small thing. We were running out of protection so we couldn't have sex. (+He was clear with no protection= no sex) When I told him he should go and get one, he refused. Later he told me because he felt like I was treating him like my running man(?).

So we fought. And I was lying turned away from him on his bed. After a few tries to turn me around and to no avail, he unclasped the necklace he gave me, saying that he's taking it back. After THAT, I could not take it anymore and tried to leave, all ready to not see him again forever.

When he sensed that a breakup was near, he got teary and started to cry, saying that he's sorry and he doesn't know how to let me go because he just never met someone who loves him so much to say that I'd follow him to his country. (He's bound by a contract so can't leave his country. If our relationship has to work, I should move to his country)

I'm just too weak for people's tears and I gave in and said I'm sorry too. We made up and he told me taking back the necklace was teasing but that incident never leaves my mind.

I don't know if this is an unforgivable, true-color-revealing moment, or am I holding onto the aftermath of what's settled.

I would appreciate some advice here. Thank you for reading through!

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Why are you telling him he should do anything, much less go out and buy condoms as though your golden vag is worth him putting pants and shoes on and running to Walgreens when he could rub one out in comfort and in half the time?


Not saying he was excused for his own immaturity, but that it sounds like you two deserve each other.

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imo....you are both being very immature and blowing out of proportion something that shouldn't have even become an argument in the first place. You both mishandled things and continued to add fuel to the fire. Have you seen his colors? Yes. Have you shown your colors too? Yes. So now either patch up, let it go, and make a point of not acting out like that in the future or part ways and try to never act out like that in the future. Basically for you to hold his bad behavior against him is a pot calling kettle black.

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This is 2017. You should have a stash of your own condoms on hand and when you see that they are getting low, buy more. You prolly should also be on birth control pills or some other form besides condoms because if you're acting like this to one another when you are still in the honeymoon stage then having children (by accident or if planned) with this guy would be a big mistake.


When he sensed that a breakup was near, he got teary and started to cry, saying that he's sorry and he doesn't know how to let me go because he just never met someone who loves him so much
What a narcissistic thing to say. Most would have worded it that they were crying because they've never met some one that THEY love so much, not who loves him. pffft.
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