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He says he loves me, but leaves me all the time.


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So I’ve been on and off with my boyfriend, together for 6 years but on and off for probably the last two. We met in high school, we love each other, well at least I know I do. Point is, I messed up in pushing him away a year ago, then I took him back. Love changed and realized he’s the guy I want to marry. I’ve been single for a year now, but he’s been jumping from me to another girl. Every time I take him back he swears, cries! It’ll be different this time, makes promises that he’ll marry me. His family doesn’t really like me just like mine doesn’t like him. It’s chaos. It’s basically the reason we can’t ever make it work because he is a very family oriented guy, easily influenced. His family likes the girl he jumps to, therefor he likes the feeling of having a girl around his family something he can’t do with me. I promised myself to move on but I can’t.. this has happened over 10 times already.. We got back together yesterday, how do I know this time is different? Or wether to move on or not?

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