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No contact, am I doing the right thing?


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My boyfriend of 3 years broke up with me almost a month ago. We had to move out of our shared house so we kept contact for the first 2-3 weeks as things were still being returned, worked out etc.


We have now officially decided to go no contact for a month and it's hard.. really hard I have hope for our relationship and even though I currently have a broken heart, I feel like this is potentially the best thing. We basically haven't spent more than a week apart during our entire relationship, so maybe this will give us a chance to miss each other.


Does anyone else have any no contact experiences they want to share? Did it help? Did it not?

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People go into NC for one of two reasons, to help them get away from their ex, heal and move on, and the try to manipulate them into coming back.


To be honest, the manipulation part doesn't often work and when it does, it very rarely works out long term. Ultiamtely, you are deeply in the Denial stage of the breakup and NC will help you to get past this and begin healing from the break up.


I'm sorry that this has happened, and it is not going to be an easy road forward.

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