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Is it over completely?


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Long story short. My ex and I have had 2 years of trouble in our relationship. There has been a lot of drama, a lot tears and a lot of hurting each other. Christmas would have been 3 years together but we broke up yesterday.


I have had a lot of insecurities in our relationship and recently lost his trust by doing the same thing over and over. No, I didn't cheat. I had a case of being a snoop. I violated his trust and right now he doesn't see me as the same person he loves.


We live together and have a child together. I also have another child that is not his that lives with us. He wants me to stay here for the kids sakes. But he said he needs a break and our drama should have never got to this point. That he's mentally spent. Said he isn't looking for another relationship and doesn't want another relationship. That while he cares deeply for me still he can't say he loves me. But he still loves me. He still sleeps in the same bed as me. He says I don't understand what he's saying and I guess he's right because I'm wicked confused and hurt right now.


I know in order for our living arrangement to work that I need to put my feelings aside and give him the break he needs. But at the same time I don't know how to channel that somewhere else or change my thought process from it.


Is there really any hope for us and how is this supposed to work out?

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It sounds like a fight not a breakup if you are sleeping together living together and share kids together with no plans of severing any of this. What was the snooping about? Is he a control freak and secretive?


This arrangement is nonsense. Take time out and you and your children stay with friends or family awhile while you reflect on why you don't trust him and what is really going on.

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It sounds like a fight not a breakup if you are sleeping together living together and share kids together with no plans of severing any of this. What was the snooping about? Is he a control freak and secretive?


This arrangement is nonsense. Take time out and you and your children stay with friends or family awhile while you reflect on why you don't trust him and what is really going on.

I often see this snooping thing come up. Having been the victim of a snooper I can tell you that snooping is about as far from an innocent act as you can get, which directly opposes most snoopers justifications and also exposes the tip of an iceberg that will most likely require IC.
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