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He was with someone else right after we broke up

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So me and my ex boyfriend were dating for about a year and a half, we were constantly fighting all the time over the dumbest things. We went to different high schools at the time and I eventually met one of my good former friends, he was a guy of course and my boy friend didn’t like that, we were nothing more than just friends, he was like a big brother to me that I could go talk to for advise or what not. I wasn’t trying to be flirty with him but I guess that’s how my boyfriend saw it to be. He would snap chat other people along with girls and had lots of friends, I didn’t mind that at all I never felt the need to tell him to stop talking to his friends. I’m just not the kind of person to get into someone else’s business. So then in October we were discussing what were were going to do Halloween night, he asked me if I wanted to come to his house for dinner and I said yes and I then asked him if after dinner if we could come back to my house so I could see my little cousins. He told me he didn’t want to do that because it would be boring for him. So it turned into a huge fight And long story short we broke up that night, I was just tired of fighting. So then the very NEXT DAY I was missing him a bit and texted him saying how I felt. He replied with “I got a bj from someone after school” my heart dropped and I felt a bunch of anger, but strangely enough even though that happened I still loved and missed him... I have no clue why, I think it was just all the good memories we had together. The next night we met up and talked things out and then we got back together. Fast forward a couple of weeks later me and my boyfriend were doing okay, but then the past suddenly flood my mind and I was worried about him having feelings for that girl and it would not get off my mind, even though he told me he had no feelings for her it still hurt me that he was able to move on so fast, the girl even had the same name as me. Couple of months go by nothing gets better I’m still hurt and I still loved him, he found out I was texting my guy friend a lot and wanted me to delete his number and everything and to never talk to him, I didn’t understand why so I didn’t do it, he was just someone I could talk to just like any of my other friends, I didn’t mean for him to think I liked my friend better than him or anything. He eventually broke up with me, it was the most heart breaking thing I’ve ever felt, he made me feel like it was all my fault. I don’t know it’s been several months now since he broke up with me and I am still confused on why. Was I wrong for texting my guy friend? Should I of never gotten back to together with him the first time? Was this my fault?


Thanks for reading this I hope I can get some advise!

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^^^ Ya, really what was that about?

Add that to the fact that you guys fight all of the time I don't know why you don't just process the breakup and do the mental work you need to do to make yourself realise that the d-bag doesn't deserve to be on the "I love him" pedestal that you have him on.


You can do better.

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