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Alright, well heres a bunch of stuff i wrote over a peroid of time. Theres some poor spelling and grammar in this but i think you can bare with it. It might be a bit of a read but it would be nice to see what some people think.









Soften Fist From Bigger Fits


things never seem to work out

i can have the world on my side

but it wouldnt even make me smile

it doesnt matter how hard i try

its like im not even around

i could give it my all

and u would of thought it was dull

nothing ever made u smile


so i do my best to keep myself contained

from anger built over several days

ive been wanting to rest for some time now

just seems like i never catch a break

so tomorrow i'll wake up

and check the news as i usually do

and go to school to learn nothing new

and then come home and wait for u


My Apology


i'm sorry mom

i know u luv me

even when u didnt say

im sorry dad

i know ur proud of me

even though u didnt say

im sorry bro

ur my best friend

im sorry i had to go

im sorry sis

i wish i could take care of u

but u'll be fine when im gone

im sorry bugs

u always made me happy

plz keep everyone else that way too

im sorry friends

i did my best

but this is where i end

im sorry jen

i really did try

but things never went right

im sorry god

i know this isnt what u want

but i gave my all and this is where i stop

im sorry everyone

this wasnt ur fault

i just have problems

that no one can solve

i love u all


Fall Into Nothing


im coming home

ive fallen a way out

i left to soon

this place is old

i dont wanna live out

fall into nothing

i have to go

to this place i know

where i dont want u to follow

so plz forgive me

when im gone

im getting cold

dont wait up now

Goodbye ( i'll miss you )


goodbye my friends

my time has ran out

its time for me to leave

ive messed up enough

im sorry but im gone


its been so many years

of taking all this abuse

and i dont need one more

i am sorry

but this is my fate


so just move on

u will all be fine

when im gone

i'll miss u all


In A Day


as the morning light shines through

a new day has broken

leaving the past in its place

and moving towards something more


doing the morning routine

thinking whats to come

as we begin over again

i can only hope for the best


going to school with heavy shoulders

as problems holds me back from being

the person i am

the person i need to be


coming home to find no relief

as problems mount on my weaken back

"things gotta get easier" i keep telling myself

knowing in my heart this is the best i get


talking to a girl who shows more passion in hate

as oppose to love, clearly something she doesnt seek

making me feel worse than i already am

knowing things will never progress


laying on my bed, thinking of day's event

supposing these things just happen

wishing for a better day than ones past

but i guess this is what i get


To The One I'll Miss


Theres so much that i'll miss

the way u smile and the way ur eyes mimic an ocean's view

the way u cared and the way u loved me

i'll miss u when im gone


but please take care, this isnt ur end

u need to move on and be all u can

life has so much to offer u

ur so unique and creative ( something i always admired )


this just has to end, im just not right

u need someone better, better than i ever can

theres someone perfect out there just need to seek

im sorry it cant be me but its for the best, u'll see


maybe if u were here or i was there

things could be different, but thats not how it worked

and i cant just leave anymore

im sorry for all ive done, but u'll be my last thought when i move on

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  • 3 weeks later...

hey, i think that's some pretty good stuff you have there. very descriptive and very concrete. it does make me just the siightest bit sad though, is everything all good? kinda makes me worried about the poet, that's all.

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