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Made a huge mistake and broke no contact last night


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I've been in strict no contact with my ex-bf for 10 weeks and last night, I royally messed up and drunk texted him

I texted "hiiii" and followed up with another text 5 min later with "shoot, sorry" in order to rectify the situation.


He did not respond at all and now I feel horrible. I'm thinking why didn't he respond? Did I mess up completely? I know he hasn't moved on yet but why doesn't he welcome communication? I'm feeling so so down today.

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My guess is he assumed you were drunk, especially after you sent the second text. This is why NC is good, and breaking it sets us back emotionally. You possibly made a mistake, but mostly for your own mental well-being. You’ve made it this far, keep it going.


You have to remember, you’re not dating, he doesn’t owe you a response. He could be making a point. Even though he might be single, he may have moved on emotionally.

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He is trying his best to not give you false hope.


Like I mentioned in your previous thread, he's trying to be kind. If he'd answered you, you'd think it "meant something".


I recommend you remove his number from your phone. If you have it memorized, save it as DON'T in your contacts.


Side note, exes rarely are dying to hear from us when we're drunk.

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It's possible that he has blocked you, so he might not have even seen the text.


Regardless, it's not a big deal. It happens. Don't beat yourself up about it. NC is so hard.


He didn't block me as it was marked as delivered. And he actually texted back asking if I texted him by mistake and if so, he's pretty hurt by it given how long I have gone silent on him. Yikes. I don't even know what to think anymore.

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Just tell him you had too much to drink, you were thinking about him and texted him, but then weren't sure he wanted to hear from you so that was the reason for the second text. Maybe just say sorry and you hope he's doing well and you miss him but you are trying to let him be so you two can both move on. Does that sound ok? Something like that? I imagine he thinks you meant to text another dude; that's what those texts look like.

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Just tell him you had too much to drink, you were thinking about him and texted him, but then weren't sure he wanted to hear from you so that was the reason for the second text. Maybe just say sorry and you hope he's doing well and you miss him but you are trying to let him be so you two can both move on. Does that sound ok? Something like that? I imagine he thinks you meant to text another dude; that's what those texts look like.


I just did what you said and hopefully, it will give him some peace of mind. Ugh I feel horrible for messing up and breaking NC.

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It’s no biggie we’ve all done it. You’ll get over it. Just get back on the NC horse and now that you’ve experienced falling off it makes it easier not to break it again..been there done that and now I’m over 2 years nc it’s just normal now. You’ll get there

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