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I am 17 ,So I've known this guy since I was 14 he is in my school but we haven't really hang out until last summer. We have mutual friends so we went out together a lot during the summer and we started texting(this happened in July).We were texting almost everyday but then he suddenly stopped.Later,when school started and he saw me again he texted me again and apologised for not keeping in touch.Then we started talking again,via text and also at school. Then towards the end of September he told my boy best friend that he really likes me and he wants us to be together. So at a party he kissed me and asked me if I wanted to make it official.I said that I thought it was really soon but why not give it a try.So we did give it a try and after a week he decided that he doesn't want to be in a relationship with me and he called it off via text.He even said to my friend that he "forced" him to ask me,which is really not the case and he even said he is too bored to be in a relationship.I know we were only dating for a week and I shouldn't care but what really makes me angry is what happened next. He basically talked about me with the whole school and he said nasty things about me,without a reason.When I talked w/him he apologised for the way he called it off and said he still likes me.However,I said to him that we rushed things and we screwed up.So I thought we could be "okay" after the talk,but even after he still talked trash about me..I don't know what to do,should I talk to him again?My friends tell me to just forget it but I can't really.I feel used and angry about what he is saying about me,and it hurts because I still like him..

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Ah, high school. I think he's still talking about you to get your attention. At this age, people are still not fully in control of their emotions and strong emotions can come out differently. I'm sure he still likes you, but at this stage, he's being a jerk. I think your friends are correct. Forget him and don't talk to him. If he talks to you, tell him you don't like him talking about you and that it hurts you. He might stop after that.

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