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My husbands parents don't like me, soni wasn't invited to thanksgiving dinner. I don't have any family anymore. I wanted to cook dinner and have friends over but he insisted that I didn't. Then ended up leaving me alone all day crying and while he spent it at his parents. I hate him for that. Am I right?

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He said you had spend Thanksgiving alone -- and is fine with going to his family without you? Yes, you have every right to be angry. But why did you listen? He was going out without you, you could have invited friends and made a meal. He doesn't own you.


Why does his family hate you?

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He said you had spend Thanksgiving alone -- and is fine with going to his family without you? Yes, you have every right to be angry. But why did you listen? He was going out without you, you could have invited friends and made a meal. He doesn't own you.


Why does his family hate you?


I think that on the day of, it was a little late to be inviting people over. Her husband's behavior in inexcusable.

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Your husband should have stayed home with you, or stood up for you and invited you to dinner with his family. I agree that he doesn't respect you or care about your feelings. Did he make any excuses or suggestions, like that you should go join a friend for dinner? I'm sure one of your friends would have been happy to have you, you need not have spent the day crying alone at home

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