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So I like this guy n he likes me. We hangout all the time, but he moved to Iran and won’t be back till summer. He tells his friends and my friends that him and I are dating, but we never had that conversation about what we are. So are we dating or is he just telling his friends that we are I’m so confused help me!

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If this guy is an Iranian, I would be extremely careful. There are so many stories about Middle Eastern men who are all nice and lovey when they are dating, but turn into monsters when the girl moves in or when they take them back to their country.


As per your question, it sounds like you're just friends unless you are going to dinner and movies together, then you are dating.

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I agree with the Danzee about being careful.


How do you define dating? Because there are a couple of differing definitions.


If you have been on more than one date with the likelihood of more then you are dating. But I know some people consider being exclusive and not married as dating also, I consider it being in a relationship.

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If this guy is an Iranian, I would be extremely careful. There are so many stories about Middle Eastern men who are all nice and lovey when they are dating, but turn into monsters when the girl moves in or when they take them back to their country.


As someone with several male & female friends from the ME, I find that quite offensive.


Assuming you're not just being deliberately ignorant or racist, I'd say the OP should be no more careful than when dating any man she doesn't know; proceed with caution till you know them better. Do NOT move countries till you're fully aware what that entails and how it affects YOU.


Do you really want a LDR?

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