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how to stop talking to someone if you think you’re his rebound?


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2 weeks ago i met this guy... he’s cute and we connect sooo well- I haven’t connected with someone like that since my ex. i’ve been on sooo many dates this year and didn’t find a meaningful connection with any of them except this guy. unfortunately, I found out he has a major flaw, he and his gf of 1.5 years just broke up a month ago! we went on a date and it was amazing and he really tries to get to know me, he’s just very kind and seems like he’s got good morals. and even though he says he’s not sad about his break up and doesn’t want to get back with her (she broke up with him), I still know i’m his rebound even if he doesn’t realize. and i’m afraid he’s comparing me to his ex or trying to find his ex in me. even though I really want this, I don’t want to get hurt in the end how can I end this in a nice way? what would you do?

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How do you know if he's just rebounding? I had a long term relationship with a woman who was divorced, dated one guy, then dated me. Was I a rebound of a rebound? It wouldn't be wrong to not take the risk and abort now. But if he's a great and mature guy with great potential, only one date wouldn't necessarily mean he isn't mature enough to get him while he is moving on. We all have mistakes and baggage, so I would focus on the qualities and character traits of the individual. I would probably just take it slow and keep it casual if you're capable of doing so and want to give him a chance, but definitely don't ignore the possibility he might be rebounding. You'll know with time.

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