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I'm grieving over the end of a "relationship" I never had...


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So, just to keep this insanity going...guess what happened? I had my first lure this morning....or not lure. I don't know. After weeks and weeks of no contact, I get a message at work asking if I had 2 dozen of an item in stock for gifts. I did not know who the message was from, it was just filling an order only it is a big order for this expensive item. So, I gather it up....and HIS WIFE comes in to pick it up. She asks for me, introduces herself and then asked if Bruce had been by to pick up the order yet. I told her no, was very polite, she took the items and said that Bruce would be by later to pick up the "rest". I don't know what "rest" she is talking about unless it is something for the kids. She acted like any other customer...leading me to think she knows nothing. And you are right, I felt sorry for her. And ashamed. And surprising easy to just check her out and nod. What kind of sick game is he playing???? Why?????

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...yesterday, Bruce did come in about an hour after his wife did. I was with a sales rep so I didn't have to interact with him at all. It was like seeing a ghost. I say this so that the pattern that so many of you predicted is just that...a scripted pattern. So, I could tell that Bruce looked very annoyed and upset that I didn't walk over (re: puppy dog eyes). Funny thing is that I didn't dwell on it the rest of the day which is a good sign, I think. I'm not going to say that it wasn't a set back, but in some twisted it way its like I had the final say somehow and that has brought a sense of relief.


I told my husband the events of the day and he was calm about it and simply stated (yet again) what a snake Bruce is. I went to bed for the first time in a long time feeling very lucky that I have an understanding husband because he really has been great lately. Then the guilt washed over me, and I was happy to feel that. When I stopped feeling guilty is when I lost what was left of me at that time.


Bruce is trying to communicate with me. He has tried to get my new number from the office and he has emailed me asking if we can talk, that it is about "business". So, I've not responded personally but I had my office manager to call him back and that she would be handling his account from now on. So, I'm not sure how that went but at least I didn't bite.

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Good for you for not taking the bait.


Next time you're feeling "sad" or "lonely", reach out to your husband instead. Or, a trusted friend or family member. Do NOT be tempted to try to have Bruce relieve your sadness or loneliness because, as you know, even greater sadness or loneliness will follow.

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