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Feeling attacked


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I've had this social media app installed on my phone for a while now and I like to use the app when I'm not doing much. Now I've been on apps, sites and the internet in general now for a long time so I know all about trolls. I haven't had that much experience with trolls fortunately and when I have I usually don't care about their opinion because they are strangers on the internet. But, lately I've been having an influx of mean comments about my appearance and it's all been from guys. I've had "you're fat" quite a few times. I've even had intrusive comments about my face like "Why do you look so serious?" "You have some weird pics you always look sad". I guess my resting face looks sad/serious to some, but I'm not neither of those things that's just my face! I've also had really degrading comments where I've been called a "" or a "" because in my pic I was wearing an off the shoulder top that showed a tiny bit of cleavage. One comment even said "Don't post full body shots you have nothing to show".


The good outweighs the bad though because I mostly receive positive comments, but it's the few negative ones that stick with me. I'm trying really hard to not let it get to me, but it's difficult when I feel constantly attacked because of how I look. It's just making me feel really awful, people are really mean online. I don't want to stop using the app because of a few haters, but I also don't want to feel critiqued and ripped apart.

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You just have to reassure yourself that they are simply , sad @rseholes who are a little bit sick to get a kick out of hurting another


Quite. As a human, I judge. We all do. If I see a picture which is very revealing, I may think "that's an unfortunate photo" or "she/he is trying to illicit a particular kind of interest", but I have never felt the need to call someone fat, or a slvt, but some ppl do as they find it empowering to do in cyberspace what they're too little to do IRL


You could try reporting the comments. Most sites allow you to do that and if enough people do it, it may eventually get tiresome for the perps to keep creating new accounts to troll from.

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Geez, what app is this? That's terrible.

You can report those who are making comments that are unnecessary and mean. You can also rise above it and realize that some people are just mean spirited and have nothing better to do than to knock others down. It says more about who they are, than it does about who you are.

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Geez, what app is this? That's terrible.

You can report those who are making comments that are unnecessary and mean. You can also rise above it and realize that some people are just mean spirited and have nothing better to do than to knock others down. It says more about who they are, than it does about who you are.


It's an app called Wakie, you can post topics and call people on there. Yeah I do realise that, it just doesn't hurt any less, you know what I mean?

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I almost never use personal photos on social media apps . It really solves the whole problem.


It's not a dating site, but I like to put my picture up because I like how I look, but with all of the negative comments it doesn't seem worth all the heartache so maybe I will not use personal pictures anymore.

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