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Thankyou so much guys for your replies...You are both very right.....


I am definitely bouncing around emotionally too much and need to get more grounded...


So if anything, Jessica is helping me with that lol


I'll take a look at that article Ian*, thanks....


Not much to report today. Very rough morning as usual but pulled up over the day. Work was good. Beach tomorrow*


Thanks Again



...oh and by the way, she actually did reply albeit much later in the night... :wink:


*Carus!* That's a pretty cruel way of finishing your journal.. we need more detail! ;) ;lol


My emotions seems to be in the same state as you at present, especially if I'm not listening to music.


Glad work went well.. it must also be good not to have anyone breathing down your neck at your workplace?


Get to the beach as planned buddy.. you may find yourself yet another hottie! ;p


Enjoy the sights.


S x

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On that note, I would go a couple days without contacting my ex the first month that we knew each other.

One day, after talking, he text me "so when will I hear from you? I don't want to lose you for a bunch of days

again." That melted my heart. I knew he was all in at that point.


I find it interesting that what he said made you more attracted to him...........................most 'attraction experts' would say that what he said was a very needy thing to say, and that needy is unattractive.

I'd guess that you were very emotionally invested i.e. 'all in' yourself, to find it appealing to realise that he was 'all in'? But then the fact you weren't contacting him for a couple of days at a time suggests you weren't emotionally invested!

Hope I don't sound critical here......................I don't mean to at all............................I'm just very interested to hear the working of the female mind!

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Aww Carus! I'm crying over here! This is so touching and beautiful.

Your ex had what we women dream of, she's just letting it fade away and she's so stupid(sorry, that's not nice,

but I would give anything to be loved the way you love her) Nuff said lol.

Aw SweetGirl* ~ That is very beautiful of you to say that....And yes my ex may come to regret it one day...But it's not today...


If only you were friends with her ;-)

Love you buddy, hang in there. There's more hotties to be found on the beach. Just you wait and see :p

Love you too Bella* ~ You've been such an amazing and positive light for me in these dark times* What a pity you're on the other side of the globe x

Sounds like it's a slow- go with Jessica. I hate hearing you torture yourself with her late replies :(

I hope some other great woman crosses your path who is a little more attentive. You said she isn't

working, so what takes her so long? I don't like her!!!!! Lol (that's my protective side coming thru)

Hehe...thankyou. It's nice to feel cared about especially when you've been tossed in the trash like a 3 month old xmas toy...


I'm not sure what takes her so long...Maybe she's just not as interested as I first thought....But my task is to not let it get to me too much....So it's helping with practicing that :)

On that note, I would go a couple days without contacting my ex the first month that we knew each other.

One day, after talking, he text me "so when will I hear from you? I don't want to lose you for a bunch of days

again." That melted my heart. I knew he was all in at that point. And we had a great year, until the very end.

Yes. I hadn't heard of the saying 'Love Bombed' until recently...and this is definitely what happened to me when I met my now exwife. Boy she came on strong and I lapped it up like a love bombed idiot...I mean, when a person is doing so much for you it's hard to think it's anything but wonderful huh?


And then, sadly over time, and once I was in too deep, it has now finished at the point you read about in this thread....Still, I did what I could and have to find peace in that*


Bacione* xx

Did you manage to meet any more Ripleys on your lucky beach? Any more news from Jessica? Am struggling to keep up Romeo! *Carus!* That's a pretty cruel way of finishing your journal.. we need more detail! ;) ;lol

lol...Well Jessica just texted at midnight to say she had spent all day getting her car fixed and wanted to apologize for not getting back to me and hopefully would be free to chat in the next few days....


Hopefully? Next few days? Chat..?? .....meh....I just left it....


If she's keen I'll hear from her.


Funnily I did see Ripley on the beach today. I went over and said hi and she reacted like a deer being cornered by a pack of hyenas! So I just said my goodbyes and won't ever bother her again....lol


I then got stung by a jellyfish :-/


So today hasn't been too bad....My heart is still mending and we'll see how it goes. Some days seem too much but I'm still breathin' Buddy*


Thanks to everyone for your ongoing support to somebody so wounded. You are all very special people*



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Hi Carus, you've been doing great man. Great recovery and we're all glad because it gives us hope to recover as well.


Just a word on your interactions with Jessica. You didn't ask her out... You didn't really ask her anything. You pretty much sent her a mesage out of the illusion of action. Like you felt you should do something... "good morning Miss Jessica, hope you got your car fixed." What kind of reply were you expecting anyway? I mean, do you really care whether she got her car fixed or not? If she's going to work by bus, or walking? I don't think you do. You care about whether she'd like to go out with you on a date, but still you don't ask her out. You're being indecisive. Sorry to be a bit blunt, but hopefully you understand what I'm trying to say here.


The beach meetings are nice but casual. She's probably confused about your motives but she's still replying. She's interested but I'm my opinion you got to be a bit bolder. Ask her on a date. Drinks or dinner (drinks are usually better, you can grab some finger food, etc., and she won't feel cornered).


Again, easy to talk about other's situations and I've been probably guilty of the same behaviour...

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It's going well thanks! she's a Latin girl so very affectionate which is a nice change, makes it a lot easier since I don't have to guess if she likes me haha.


She will get back in touch if she wants, there's no harm in messaging back though persistence works sometimes but it all is up to you. On the bright side looking back at the start of this forum post you've come a long way with the happiness in your posts even when you're sad it's still not the same level as before!


I'm sure the right girl is around the corner for You, and I'm glad you have peace knowing you did all you could, the hardest part for me was knowing I didn't do what I could and coming to terms with my faults as well as hers was difficult, at least you don't have that!

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I agree thanks Morello* I was going to wait to see if I hear from her next and ask her out for Friday. I did ask her out on the day we met but she was caught up in the moment that day and things change quite quickly it seems....


Anyway, I'll leave it for today and shoot her a msg tomorrow....


Thanks Again


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Sorry to hear that buddy. You can send him back when he's finished :)


You guys are all bad influences lol


It's 7pm here and I just replied to Jessicas last msg and told her I still want to take her out on Friday and to let me know her schedule.


I'll put that out there with no expectations and see what she does...


Glad things are going well with the Latina Dave*. You'll need plenty of stamina with that one! lol


It's nice of you to point out my progress. Still feels slower than a tortoise with no legs :-/



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I find it interesting that what he said made you more attracted to him...........................most 'attraction experts' would say that what he said was a very needy thing to say, and that needy is unattractive.

I'd guess that you were very emotionally invested i.e. 'all in' yourself, to find it appealing to realise that he was 'all in'? But then the fact you weren't contacting him for a couple of days at a time suggests you weren't emotionally invested!

Hope I don't sound critical here......................I don't mean to at all............................I'm just very interested to hear the working of the female mind!


Ya, it's ok. Not critical at all. Just proves that no one can take what the experts say as a fit for each and every

relationship. Each person is an individual, and you need to understand the other persons past and where they are

in terms of an emotional mindset in the moment. For me, I wasn't looking for a relationship and even though I was

attracted to him, I wasnt allowing myself to pursue him. I was apprehensive because of his divorce and the way we met.

He was not, and is not, at all needy. He does, however, love affection and attention. Yet he's also very independent, non clingy, and does what he wants to do, lol. But again, I understand he was love starved and dated while married when the

divorce was going to happen, yet nothing worked out. With us the attraction never died. He admitted that. Trust issues

killed it(on his part and in the heat of the moment he dumped me). Plus drama caused by others. He and I had no issues with one another. We never fought. And I really felt that quickly that he was sincere, not using for me a temporary band aid for his pain. I've had needy bf's and I was turned off quickly. So yes, needy is not attractive.

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Ouch!! I was stung by a jellyfish in Antigua, and I swear I thought it was going to kill me! Lol

That is a pain worse than childbirth. My ex wanted to pee on my foot to relieve the sting(does that really work?)

I was like ewwww get away from me! You're not peeing on me! I also got bit by a parrot there. Mean to me, I'll tell ya! Haha


What's the real deal with Jessica? I agree with Morello. Bluntly ask her out. Say a time, day, place,

Something definite that she has to give a yes or no answer to. Like "I'd like to take you to dinner on Friday

at 7pm at (insert name of place here). No pressure".

It's too late for that now since you already mentioned it, but the next time just be direct.

I hope she agrees anyway because it's good to get out in the company of the opposite sex, even if it's just

on a friendly basis with no expectations involved. Meeting new people can open doors to meeting other people.

They say everyone crosses our path for a reason. There's a reason the two of you met.


What's with you ex? I need to slap her with wet noodles to wake her up! Lol

I thought she would have made contact with you since you initiated the last time.

I think she's really confused within herself, and not certain you should wait much longer.

One of you needs to file for divorce, right? What will you do?

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Hi SweetGirl* ~ Thanks for your thoughts*

My ex wanted to pee on my foot to relieve the sting(does that really work?)

Yeh I've heard that. Don't know though. Try it and let me know ok :)


What's the real deal with Jessica? I agree with Morello. Bluntly ask her out. Say a time, day, place,

Something definite that she has to give a yes or no answer to. Like "I'd like to take you to dinner on Friday

at 7pm at (insert name of place here). No pressure".

It's too late for that now since you already mentioned it, but the next time just be direct.

When we met last week, during our conversation I suggested two things I'd like to take her to and she seemed very excited about that...


Then tonight I just reminded her that I still wanted to take her out this Friday...


That was 4 hours ago and so far I'm getting the usual response lol


Which leads me to this:

They say everyone crosses our path for a reason. There's a reason the two of you met.

Sure and I think l met her because those two hours we spent together made me feel wanted again and I got at least a few hours respite from thinking about and missing my ex.


Also it's helping me with patience and dealing with rejection.


So that's probably why we met :)

What's with you ex? I need to slap her with wet noodles to wake her up! Lol

I thought she would have made contact with you since you initiated the last time.

I'm sorry SweetGirl*. I know you had hope..I guess we all did. But like I've maintained for a while now, she moved on long ago and is now gone*

One of you needs to file for divorce, right? What will you do?

We were married under common law so that's all done and dusted.


Everything else like the property etc, she systematically divided up leading up to it as she carried out her exit plan.



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Well my darling dear, guess what? I think anyone that would reject you is a flipping idiot.

You have such knowledge and understanding and I can tell when you love, you love deeply.

With all the shallow men on this planet, you're a gem to find .


Good to hear it was common law marriage, makes less of a mess to sort out. No wonder she's taking

her sweet time to figure things out. There's no impending divorce! So with that, let me just say this:

she has feelings still for you, otherwise not under any circumstance would she have met up with you the

first time, let alone a second time. I'm thinking when you completely throw the towel in, she's going to

make a comeback. I think you're nearing that point. Give this Jessica a chance, but when you feel her

level of interest isn't there, cut her loose. I don't want anyone to cause you worry or stress or make you

question anything when you're still trying to completely heal! You deserve happiness.

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Hi Carus


Yeah, it sucks when the other person doesn't show a high level of interest regardless of the connection we do feel. Not everyone is gonna click with you, unfortunately.


This is also part of what makes me sad about pursuing new girls. With the ex it was an instant connection from both sides, she was always messaging and doing little things for me since the first day. We didn't have to play the pursuit game, the attraction was just there and we opened up to each other quickly. Her level of interest was very high. It will be hard for me to deal with girls who don't show a similar level of interest.


I actually arranged a couple of dates on Tinder but decided to cancel both for this reason. They didn't seem genuinely interested... I guess I wasn't very interested either so they didn't seem to care much when I did cancel lol. I just wasn't feeling it.


In hindisght, do you think you felt a genuine connection with Jessica or was it more like experiencing a bit of affection again since your break that made you feel a bit special again? Or both?

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Hi Carus


Yeah, it sucks when the other person doesn't show a high level of interest regardless of the connection we do feel. Not everyone is gonna click with you, unfortunately.


This is also part of what makes me sad about pursuing new girls. With the ex it was an instant connection from both sides, she was always messaging and doing little things for me since the first day. We didn't have to play the pursuit game, the attraction was just there and we opened up to each other quickly. Her level of interest was very high. It will be hard for me to deal with girls who don't show a similar level of interest.


I actually arranged a couple of dates on Tinder but decided to cancel both for this reason. They didn't seem genuinely interested... I guess I wasn't very interested either so they didn't seem to care much when I did cancel lol. I just wasn't feeling it.


In hindisght, do you think you felt a genuine connection with Jessica or was it more like experiencing a bit of affection again since your break that made you feel a bit special again? Or both?


See! This is what I keep saying, and people in my real life tell me I'm too picky, but I don't see it that way.

I need that instant intense connection or I lose interest(or don't get interested to start with).

I know so many people who settle for anyone, just to not be alone. That will never be me. I'd rather be alone

and content than know I settled for someone I'm not feeling an intense attraction to.

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Hi Carus,


SweetGirl28 told me about your thread, I really feel for what you went through and are probably still dealing with. I went through a really painful divorce in 2016-2017 and it wrecked me. I never went full no contact, then filed papers and she immediately wanted to get back together. It was too late. I met someone last spring and had a really great time together but it stayed casual for way too long. just when we were getting good, she would push me away. anyway, after that breakup I was wrecked again. I contacted my ex wife and we hung out and talked and I had no intention of getting back together, but we know each other so well it was nice to confide in someone and feel safe. Anyway fast forward, she almost died from alcoholism and I was there for her in the hospital and treatment facility, then when I found out she had gone back to the abusive ex bf she had left me for, it brought all the pain back. I feel your pain, I had nightmares really bad when my ex wife first left. it was torture to try and live in that house without her. I kept the pictures on the wall for like 2 weeks before I had to take them down.

I had to tell my ex wife that I can't be friends with her. It is hard but it is for my emotional health, I will always love her and probably still a little in love with her and miss our life we had, but can't even talk to her when she is with that A-h*le. I am still in love with my ex gf too, and I think about her everyday and recently had a bad nightmare about her with another guy. I am definitely doing better than I was during the holidays and everything, so hang in there man. You seem to be a little better from your earlier posts months ago so maybe you are seeing the slow progress....but still having the feelings is hard. I know I wont; open my heart to anyone until I feel something special. anyway, thanks for posting and for letting me post. Take care

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Hey guys,


I am beginning to "dream" of a *Carus and *Sweetgirl union ;) the ULTIMATE COMBO!


yes, isn't there an episode in Friends where they have to p££ on the jelly fish sting? I'm very glad you survived buddy!


There are plenty of Jessica's about.. I think the more important aspect to it is what Jessica symbolizes as the others have pointed out. It is genuine progress that you have these encounters. Yes, you may feel dejected if you don't get a response as quickly or in-depth as you would like, but you have validation that females are drawn to you (not that you needed it) and that you can genuinely see yourself with others and interact wonderfully.


Some days I don't think I have made progress, then I look at the picture from an overall, outside perspective and I have actually surprised myself on some things.


One last point for now.. Watched one of my favourite films last night (yes, I am a music and film mani@c, as you know by now). The Shawshank Redemption, which most movie polls would decree as the finest film ever made. The central theme.. "Hope conquers all"... Just some food for thought friends :) (yes, yes, I also recall that Morgan Freeman tells Tim Robbins that hope can drive a man insane..but still!)


S x

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Hi All...Just had a VERY testing day...The morning was one of the roughest yet! Truly nastee..Then a myriad of little problems throughout the day...And the day ended with my work car breaking down and me having to get a tow truck etc etc yada yada.....


What frustrates me is that without the stoopid grief I'm dealing with, I would normally sail through a day like that and still be smilin'....


To everyone's amazing responses:

This is also part of what makes me sad about pursuing new girls. With the ex it was an instant connection from both sides, she was always messaging and doing little things for me since the first day. We didn't have to play the pursuit game, the attraction was just there and we opened up to each other quickly. Her level of interest was very high. It will be hard for me to deal with girls who don't show a similar level of interest.

I'm right there with you buddy....In fact I have trouble remembering those first few months of how the relationship with my ex happened it was so effortless....In fact I mentioned 'Love Bombed' a couple of posts back and that is definitely what happened to me!


I think it makes our rose coloured glasses thicker now*


I also got quite 'Gas Lighted' in that marriage and if you know what that is, that can really add to the weight of the recovery....*

I actually arranged a couple of dates on Tinder but decided to cancel both for this reason. They didn't seem genuinely interested... I guess I wasn't very interested either so they didn't seem to care much when I did cancel lol. I just wasn't feeling it.


In hindisght, do you think you felt a genuine connection with Jessica or was it more like experiencing a bit of affection again since your break that made you feel a bit special again? Or both?

Yes I hear you. I haven't done the Tinder thing and probably won't. I've never had any luck with online dating....


So with Jessica, I've mentioned here and there through this journal about girls I've met etc but yeh that day on the beach, she really took to me which is why she's become what she's become in this story....As far as a genuine connection goes, there was certainly a LOT of potential....She ticked a loooot of boxes....


Plus of course there is that feeling of someone being that attracted to me again....but that is based in ego I know and trying to fill a void that I really need to fill myself....


Over the week since then it has been a little difficult gauging her interest level but I guess if it was zero, I wouldn't be hearing from her at all....(?)


I'll post about our last interaction at the end...>>


Thanks Morello*

I've grown to genuinely care about you. I want you to find your peace

And I for you Bella* ~ I have as much faith in you as you do of me...*

I really feel for what you went through and are probably still dealing with. I went through a really painful divorce in 2016-2017 and it wrecked me.

Welcome MRT* and thankyou so much for your post. Yes I'm still dealing with it best I can. I appreciate I have some very patient people watching over me here because I know that some might say to me "Come on, time to get over it...Stop playing the victim...Stop wallowing..." or similar platitudes....But when you are clinging to sanity by a thread, sentiments like that really don't help....


Thankfully, even though I have seen a bit of that on here, ENA is still one of the more compassionate forums out there*

I never went full no contact, then filed papers and she immediately wanted to get back together. It was too late.

If the divorce of your wife was so traumatic, why did you not want to get back together? Was it she who broke it up or you? How long was that period of breaking up and then her wanting to get back together...?


You may have read above that we were married under common law so there is no divorce proceeding to go through (thankfully!)....But that also means I don't have that card to play....

I had to tell my ex wife that I can't be friends with her. It is hard but it is for my emotional health, I will always love her and probably still a little in love with her and miss our life we had, but can't even talk to her when she is with that A-h*le.

That must be very hard for you mate....My exwife has tried to play the friends card for a while now until my final refusal last week and now she's gone...


But I know what you mean. HOW can you possibly be 'friends' with someone that you still want to be interment with? How??


So sadly it seems that she can't give me what I want, and I can't give her what she wants, and that's where we are....


Today's grief was certainly a lot about the life we had rather than just her....The beautiful property she made us sell, the amazing adventures to other countries, the family unit....etc

I am still in love with my ex gf too, and I think about her everyday and recently had a bad nightmare about her with another guy. I am definitely doing better than I was during the holidays and everything, so hang in there man. You seem to be a little better from your earlier posts months ago so maybe you are seeing the slow progress....but still having the feelings is hard.

The ruminating and constant everyday thoughts and memories are frustrating and tiring....But part of that may be because our societies have conditioned us to not accept grief when it comes to breakups....We believe we 'should' be ok...We 'shouldn't' be like this....But if you have studied grief as I have, and have experienced so much of it, you just have to accept that it is what it is and will take as long as it takes....


Of course there are things that can hinder it, but I'm doing all the suggested things as I believe you probably are too....But yes, those feelings and memories and pain are all still there and they're as real as ever*


Thanks Again*


And my Brother Sputnik*

I am beginning to "dream" of a *Carus and *Sweetgirl union ;) the ULTIMATE COMBO!

Such a hopeless romantic...! ;-)


She's a great girl though* :)

There are plenty of Jessica's about.. I think the more important aspect to it is what Jessica symbolizes as the others have pointed out. It is genuine progress that you have these encounters. Yes, you may feel dejected if you don't get a response as quickly or in-depth as you would like, but you have validation that females are drawn to you (not that you needed it) and that you can genuinely see yourself with others and interact wonderfully.

Even if I never hear from her again from one day to the next, this^ is what I'm trying to take away from this as the biggest part....The Hope that there is life after the time of ashes....


I'm finding the more I don't hear from her, the more nonchalant I'm becoming with it so that's a good thing.....


It was a great day on the beach that day and gave me some respite from the torment but if not her then someone else I'm sure.

Some days I don't think I have made progress, then I look at the picture from an overall, outside perspective and I have actually surprised myself on some things.

Definitely buddy. NC is hard, damn hard, so you can surely be proud of the fact you've been so strong with it*

One last point for now.. Watched one of my favourite films last night (yes, I am a music and film mani@c, as you know by now). The Shawshank Redemption, which most movie polls would decree as the finest film ever made. The central theme.. "Hope conquers all"... Just some food for thought friends :) (yes, yes, I also recall that Morgan Freeman tells Tim Robbins that hope can drive a man insane..but still!)

I've seen that film a few times over the years and yes, Hope....


But also Tim Robbins had to crawl through a long, dark tunnel of sh*t to get to the sunlight.....


Sound familiar? ;-)


Small Jessica Update*


As I mentioned, whatever this thing is with Jessica and how ever long it goes for, as SweetGirl* said, we met for a reason. Even if that reason was a test of where I'm at with my healing process and self love.


It hasn't been effortless as such and it definitely has tested my patience and negative narrative, but she's still replying even if it's just once a day...


But the good thing is that I'm just doing the same. It's nice to at least have the knowledge not to go blowing up her phone, being pushy or desperate, or catastrophising things in my head.....A lot of men and women do...


In her 'quite long' text that came in at 1:30am last night she referred to the beach as 'our beach' and said she couldn't make tomorrow but really wanted to come next Friday...


So taking those as positive signs I decided to see if she wanted to play a game....


I sent her a quick reply about what she wrote and then said: "To win an all inclusive pamper package next Friday answer 6 questions. 2/6 wins you a Sound Healing session. 4/6 includes dinner. 6/6 includes a massage. Ready? Question 1: In Greek Mythology who was Morpheus and what is the modern day drug named after him?"


And of course I didn't hear back from her lol


Part of me questioned doing this. Some people and theories would say perhaps it's too much too soon...but whatever. It's who I am and if it chases her away then so be it and it wasn't meant to go any further..... If anything, this will test her interest level that's for sure....


This morning was extremely rough so anything above that tomorrow will be a bonus :)


Many thanks again. Don't mess up the place too much while I'm asleep ok..?!



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You sure do!


Do I have to pay for your airfare...!?



But serious, what are your thoughts Brother? Is it too much or is it just the hopeless romantic in me...?


One text a day....may as well shoot from the hip*



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You sure do!


Do I have to pay for your airfare...!?



But serious, what are your thoughts Brother? Is it too much or is it just the hopeless romantic in me...?


One text a day....may as well shoot from the hip*





I dont think it was too much. But here is my opinion on stuff like that. If a woman is interested it will feed her interest in you. If she is not it will push you away. For instance. Take online dating. You have a underwear model dudes profile giving all these intense openers to women. Majority of them eat them up and think wow hes so interesting! Why? Because they are already attracted. Take the same openers and send them from a not so attractive profile. And they think hes weird!


Most woman are superficial to an extent.


So yeah if she has some interest in you I think youre fine.

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I would quote your reply to me Carus but I can't figure out how to quote parts of a reply haha. But yes a lot of stamina I'm constantly tired but I can't complain.


As for the Jessica, I had a few of my own Jessica's after my breakup, each time I figured I'd rather keep trying than close myself off and eventually it pays off. One girl I really hit it off with and we had two great dates and spoke a lot after, then all of a sudden she vanished and never replied, I guess we never know what's going on in people's lives at the time but at the very least it shows you will find someone else and there's plenty of people out there for you and everyone else.


Just make sure none of you settle because you're lonely for the first one, I know a lot of people who have done this and it's worth holding out for the connection


I liked your reply to her by the way, shows who you are and if she doesn't reply it's her loss. No sense hiding yourself until you get deeper and it would be harder if she didn't like it.


Good luck with her!

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