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Applying to 2 Jobs Internally


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I've been in my position at work for 1 year. I love the company. I am in an industry I care about.


However, the work itself is menial and my boss is very hard to deal with. In spite of this, I have a very good reputation in the company and am well-liked by everyone from the top to the bottom. I am good at what I do.


I applied for a Marketing position that more aligns with my background in communications and some creative work. 2nd interview went really, really well and the director all but told me I got the position. I am just waiting to hear back from HR. I made it clear to HR that I wanted to move to marketing over 6 months ago and have been waiting for a position. I was highly recommended by two marketing people for this position and have the support of my boss and the others that I would be working with.


This afternoon, the woman I work next to strongly recommended me for her position in Global Sourcing (which I've always been interested in as well). This position would pay more than the Marketing position and I would get to travel which I dream of! I'd also get to stay in the same building, whereas Marketing is it's own entity off site.


I am going to apply tomorrow. Just wondering how this reflects on me and how pissed would Marketing be?


Thanks for your time...

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What ever happened to "follow your dreams"?! Haha - I get what you're saying though. I honestly think I'd be a great fit at both!


Follow your dreams?


IMO, you communicated most about this marketing position. That tells me that job is more aligned with what you've at least told the company your dream is.


Why is your coworker leaving that role? Have you ever traveled for work? Do you want this job for more money and to travel? (Let me tell you - traveling for work is exhausting)


Talk to HR. Just tell them your thoughts and say you want to understand both roles better.

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Follow your dreams?


IMO, you communicated most about this marketing position. That tells me that job is more aligned with what you've at least told the company your dream is.


Why is your coworker leaving that role? Have you ever traveled for work? Do you want this job for more money and to travel? (Let me tell you - traveling for work is exhausting)


Talk to HR. Just tell them your thoughts and say you want to understand both roles better.


Good points. My manager told me when i applied for a management role "you never mentioned anything about ever wanting a management role" and it went to the person who mentioned management from day one, even though i thought i 'earned' it. Your goal was to stop doing a menial position and get out from under your boss. you are doing that by going into marketing. The marketing role seems to be almost a sure bet. use the extra money you will get saving up to travel on your own. Believe me, traveling for work is not all its cracked up to be. You can go to 10 cities and not see any of them because you won't see even out the window of your convention place or you will have 1 hour between meetings to see all of Paris or Rome.

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