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At a crossroad, what do I do?


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Since I last posted, my relationship has continued to be more strained. I haven't seen my boyfriend in 3 weeks.


1) Two weekends ago, he had his cousins wedding on a Saturday night and the Sunday after, he claimed coming to my house and then driving away immediately (I was around the corner).


2) This past weekend he cancelled our plans together as he said a bathtub he bought his parents arrived and he said he needed to go to Mexico to help them move it in. He said his dad has back problems so he wanted to help but I would have appreciated advance notice instead of cancelling the day of, as I could have made other plans.


3) In terms of trying to set up seeing each other this week, he said his car is at the mechanic and he cannot go anywhere unless I come to him (which I hesitate to do with all the flakiness). I then find out Monday night he claimed to be working late, and all my calls would ring once then went to voicemail and I was unable to reach him (which occurs when one is blocked or phone is shut off). I asked his mom if he heard anything from him to make sure he is ok as it's a tough drive where he was. She said "he was at work today. I know he was tired, so he probably went home & did a face plant in bed." I trusted what his mom said and then later that night his sister posts pictures of his nephews birthday party where he was and his mom was at that night. I also find out he had a loaner car so the not being able to drive to see me wasn't even true. I now feel his mom was not totally honest with me, I just wanted to make sure he was ok and instead of saying I just saw him at a birthday party, she said he probably went home after work?


4) This weekend he said he wanted to spend the weekend with me, and when I asked if we could away for the weekend, he said, no, that he is changing the plans, because he wants to go to his sister's birthday party on Saturday night and then work on his house on Sunday. I understand spending time with your family but my birthday was two months ago and he promised me we would celebrate it, he got me nothing, but when I asked about it, he said he won't reward me with doing anything (including my birthday) if I try to achieve it by temper tantrums, which I was not doing. I just wanted a birthday dinner or anything really but he has celebrated all his parents birthdays and will celebrate his sisters birthday this weekend, but I don't feel I am a priority at all. He told me his family will always comes first.


I really like him, but I don't see his actions matching his words and when I address any concerns regarding constantly cancelling, he says, stop grouching at me and tells me he is guarded right now. He did say I could attend his sister's birthday but I want couples time at some point, especially after not seeing each other for three weeks, which he says I should be satisfied with a date late Friday night instead of spending the whole weekend together.


Thank you for all your help!

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No question -I would walk away. He is avoiding seeing you in person and coming up with numerous lame excuses. Please stop coming back for more - you could be missing out on opportunities to meet people who are enthusiastic about spending time with you.

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