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How to go about this?


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After 5 months of me going through strict no contact my ex-girlfriend finally contacted me. Before I get into what the conversation was I’ll give a little back story.

Me and my ex dated for around 4 months earlier in the year. The relationship went well and we were happy. Even with the relationship being 4 months I think we were good together and had a very good connection. We shared a lot in common but didn’t spend as much time together as I would have liked. We never fought(which looking back at it now I probably was even a bitt of a push over). In the end she broke up with me stating she wasn’t completely ready for a relationship at the moment. I understood and respected her decision to end it and went completely no-contact. She had a fling for about a a month and a half with another guy a couple of weeks after the breakup but that ended quickly as she was moving cities. During the 5 months I went back to college and really began to work on myself as a person and hung out a lot with friends. Now that we’re caught up to the present I’ll get into the recent break of no contact.

About two weeks ago she sent me a picture of a thing that she knew I would respond well to as it was something we had in common. We started talking a bit but her responses were short which gave me a feeling that she wasn’t too interested in the convo. Though she was being a little short with her responses she was using words that gave more meaning. Such as hope you have fun tomorrow on your trip. I was really confused why she sent the picture in the first place as we hadn’t talked to each other in 5 months. We haven’t talked since that conversation two weeks ago and I was hoping she’d want to reconnect. I was thinking about reaching out to get a feel on how she would respond. I know that by starting the conversation up again I might not get a response which I’ll be ok if that happens as I’ll just go back to living my life. My thought on the situation is that I have nothing to lose as I’ve been living my life to the fullest. Wondering what you guys here on Enot feel about my situation? Any advise is appreciated.

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She might have just been lonely. It happens. Maybe she's working up to a booty call. She might hoping for a Friends With Benefits kind of relationship. If you broke up with her because she wouldn't commit to a relationship, I don't think she's changed her mind. So be careful about starting it up again.

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She's most likely over you and saw something that made her think of you, so she sent it.


Go with your gut. You had the feeling she wasn't too interested in the conversation.

If she had sent it hoping for a reply because she had a motive, she would have been asking leading questions

to get responses out of you. I'd just leave her alone.

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I think you should send her a picture back of something you know she will respond well to and see where things go. I get the vibe that she was testing the waters to see how you would respond. It's called 'trying to start things up again.'


Don't give it your all of course, just send out a feeler like she did.

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I think you should send her a picture back of something you know she will respond well to and see where things go. I get the vibe that she was testing the waters to see how you would respond. It's called 'trying to start things up again.'


Don't give it your all of course, just send out a feeler like she did.


I don’t think I have anything to lose by sending her something back so it can’t hurt to try. I wonder though that the two weeks since that conversation was too long to wait to send something back. I don’t think sending something during the week would go too well because I’m not sure if she’s busy with other things as I also have schoolwork. Would it be wrong to wait just a few more days till the weekend to send something?

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I don’t think I have anything to lose by sending her something back so it can’t hurt to try. I wonder though that the two weeks since that conversation was too long to wait to send something back. I don’t think sending something during the week would go too well because I’m not sure if she’s busy with other things as I also have schoolwork. Would it be wrong to wait just a few more days till the weekend to send something?


I don't see the point in waiting as it's only an email or a text but if you think waiting is best then by all means wait.


Good luck. Don't send it with any expectations of getting a reply and you'll not feel disappointed/hurt if it goes unanswered.

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I don't see the point in waiting as it's only an email or a text but if you think waiting is best then by all means wait.


Good luck. Don't send it with any expectations of getting a reply and you'll not feel disappointed/hurt if it goes unanswered.


I sent a link to the picture today but when you send the picture it creates a random generated sentence and with just a stroke of luck the sentence said “This reminded me of you”🤦🏻♂️. It also didn’t help that the link didn’t work so I had to send a different picture. I got a reply “lol nice”. I didn’t try to force any more conversation after that as I figured there wasnt any reason to. Safe to say that if she was interested she would have continued it without me asking the questions. I don’t think I’ll send anything else and I’ll leave it all on her end to contact me if she ever becomes interested. For now I’ll just keep doing what I was doing before. Lesson learned: make sure links don’t send sentences with pictures.

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