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So im only 15 i know theres time for me. But no matter how much time i have, it wont matter since im soo shy to girls i like. Also my self esteem is meh. I think im quite ugly. Im pale and have chubby face. Im not fat (135Lb, 5'6) but i just think im ugly. Any suggestions on how to fix this? Up until 8th grade i was very confident in talking to girls and about myself but in 8th i got depression and everything has changed. I dont have depression anymore (lasted about half a year) but im still shy. Thanks!

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I didn't date until i was 21. Don't sweat it. You are totally normal not dating. I would focus on friendships instead of dating. You make the most important dating relationships AFTER high school, anyhow. We all feel awkward at 15. Boys are not finished growing yet, even though girls might be at their adult height at that point.

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