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Have to really read all the other ones but ill quick sum it

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So a lil over a month ago my gf of 2yrs leaves me. I was heart broken. Left me because a number of things that I'm not perfect at(boring, unappreciative, and some other things). So after 2 days we were talking about fixing things, she ask me a week later to watch the dog for a weekend while she went to Pittsburgh, when she came over we had sex and showered together. She left 2 days later she's happy because her friend who is a girl and my ex sleep together, they've been friends since February, I knew the whole time we were dating they were talking and I had no issue because I never thought my gf would leave me. She comes picks up the dog tells me shes dating this girl now just after 3 weeks from breaking up with me. So the course of the next couple weeks we are talking and actually fixing things wrong with our relationship. I'm struggling to pay for the house we leased out thru my family. I ask her a couple days ago if she wanted to move back in and have the other bedroom on the other side of the house. She said she would think about it(her choice is move to Pittsburgh and drop from college, me or her mom), she's at her mom's now. Over this entire time she's saying how she loves me and misses me and loves her new gf. Wishes she could be with both of us. We have had conversations that have covered everything you should not talk about with an ex. I know she isnt over me. O know she's confused. But this is the meat and potatoes right her. I asked her earlier today if we would ever be together again and she said IDK. But when I started thinking about and reversed it. And said something like yeah I love you and miss you too. But I'm not sure where my feelings for you are........she said oh OK. I'm talking to other women she gets jealous, she talks to another women I do nothing. Like she wants a reaction out of me but she's not sure what reaction she wants. I'm talking to another girl who I do want to give a chance. But basically what I did was do what my ex did to me. She put me on back burner so when her gf from 5hrs away doesn't work out she has me. I did the samething to her but with this othe girl. I made new interest a priority over my ex and made known to my ex put me back burner and I'll put you back there as well

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Why not get a platonic roommate and close the door on your ex moving back in or hanging over at your house? Or talking to your family who you lease the house from and asking if because you no longer have sharing the bills, could you end the lease eariler and move out and get an apartment you can afford on your own? That will solve all this back and forth stuff.

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tried all the friends i know and none of them make what i make to pay even half, on top of that i just renewed the lease the very week before she moved out. so getting out of my lease early is no too. im kinda stuck, i only want someone to live that i know and has the money to do it. but i get what you are saying, part of me does want her back and asking her to move back in is part of that, because i know if her gf finds out shes living her the gf is going to become insecure and create issue in their relationship. my main thing now if this does happen and its looking like it more and more than i have to make sure my feelings are in the right place if that means just being friends or if that means being in a relationship again. i figure i have til at least after thanksgiving and no later than the 1st of december before she lets me know her decision. im thinking itll be after thanksgiving, also if she moves back here her gf is going to feel betrayed. yes in some ways i want my ex back and boys in girls this is how it goes. I need to make sure my feelings are right. part of those conversations we had me and her were talking about being fwb if we were ever single again, which i know im not going to make her do that shell have to make the choice of if we get back together or if she stays a friend. i have a very deep connection with her but when she left she took my trust with her because not even a day after she left i found messages between her and another guy.

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