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I've been talking to this guy since July and everything was going good. We were on the same page about not wanting a relationship but things got serious quickly and he wanted to ask me to be his girlfriend. It took me a few days to wrap my head around it but once I did he turned it around that I wanted it and he wasn't ready. Whatever it was fine we were back on the same page. Then he flaked me on 4 days in a row and was being weird and not communicating well. I ended things but the next day he called and apologized so we started again but it seemed like we took a gigantic step back. We hung out once that week and a few days after that he ended things with me. I didn't call or text him but he didn't last more then 24 hits without contact. He said I don't know what to do about this I can't stop thinking about you but I don't know what I want. We hung out the next day and everything was fine. He went to his friends house that night we texted. All day Saturday he didn't answer my calls or texts and Sunday blew me off to hang out. I don't know what to do there's definitely a connection but I don't like feeling insecure and that's how he makes me feel.

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You've got to bail out now. This guy is revealing a lot about himself. He's afraid of commitment, he's immature, and he may be sharpening his emotional abuse skills where you will never know where you stand with him because he doesn't really care about anything but himself. You attracted him because initially you said you didn't want a relationship, but I think you learned that you really do. Look for someone who wants a relationship. You can't make a life with this guy. It will be full of grief and drama.

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