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Psycho boyfriend and a kind ex

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the story I am writing now is long please enjoy , about me !!(my boyfriend from another city , I am in another city .) I met one boy in the online game , later he asked me to go out with him and I agree . At first he like a kind , friendly, cool , handsome boy but later his true self appear . He have psycho , he have used drugs once but not now . I don’t care about his back ground , i just know that I love him . Later we video call to one another , when video call he always ask to see my upper body and I let him see but just for 4 or 5 second . One day when I am sleeping he camera me through video call . In photo , I am naked . Then when I go to another city , we broke up because of my mom didn’t like him . He told me that he will upload my photo , I am so afraid, he make me mad , I am so scare , I don’t know what to do . Then tomorrow he uploaded my photo , no one can see that photo only me and him . It’s make me mad that I wanted to die . Then the time past.


When I came back to my old city , I feel like I miss him and he chat me . I decided not to see but I cannot. I reply him and he beg for me to become lover again . I didn’t agree because I hate that he uploaded my photo , but he told me he will not do again he promise so we become lover again . But not for long , my mom found out , she told me to break again , if not she will told my dad . I ask my brother , my brother said that “ just break up , if he really love you he can understand “ so I decided to break up . He told me again that he will upload, I don’t know what to do , I just stay silent and we broke up .


After break up for second time , I go and play game , he came play with me but I didn’t care . He beg for me again , told me that he will not do the thing he wanted , etc . I don’t know why , but my mind told me to become lover again . So we becam lover for the third time . After a while , we broke up . This time I decided not to love him again or give him a change . But I still gave . I know I am stupid.


Now is the fourth time , sometimes he always do the thing that he wanted , he always make fun of me , he always make me mad . That time my ex appears infront of me . I started to miss my ex who never make me mad , who always understand me . I am really confused now , I don’t know what to do , my heart now is always think about my ex , but I cannot break up with my boyfriend because he will upload my naked photo if I do .


Please someone , please gave me some advice . I really don’t know what to do . ( I never seen my boyfriend at outside, we can only see through vedio call . But my ex was the same city as me )

Thanks for reading .

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Well, you've learned a valuable lesson: Don't share nude photos with anyone.


In any event, many young women have had exes post nude pictures and it's called revenge porn. It's not unusual these days for this to happen and you could just break up with this guy and see what he does. If he posts it somewhere, you can contact the app or site he posted the picture and have them take it down. If any of your friends see it, just say you were in love with the guy and sent him a picture that he masturbated to. It's happened to so many people I think your friends will understand. Don't let this guy abuse you! Tell him to get lost and look your ex up.

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Well, you've learned a valuable lesson: Don't share nude photos with anyone.


In any event, many young women have had exes post nude pictures and it's called revenge porn. It's not unusual these days for this to happen and you could just break up with this guy and see what he does. If he posts it somewhere, you can contact the app or site he posted the picture and have them take it down. If any of your friends see it, just say you were in love with the guy and sent him a picture that he masturbated to. It's happened to so many people I think your friends will understand. Don't let this guy abuse you! Tell him to get lost and look your ex up.

Thank you so much !!! I don’t know what to do now , thanks for understand. I don’t know what to how to thank you but I really thank you . I will do as you tell . Again thanks . I just afraid he will post on Facebook , if he does I think I only have one way is die . I just don’t want my family to sad . I don’t care about other , I just afraid my dad will sad . T T .

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