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Liking my best friend


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Recently one of my close friends came out and told me that she likes Me i never saw her like that but she is very attractive and we get along great


Couple of days a go we kissed for the first time it was nice but idk if it was like something seems off


idk if i should pressure a relationship with her cuz it might ruin our friendship and neither of us want that


but the real kicker is she has a boyfriend and she doesn't want to break up with him for someone she wants it to happen other ways



do i wait ?

Am i wrong for feeling like a Second option ?

Should i Try With her?

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Recently one of my close friends came out and told me that she likes Me i never saw her like that but she is very attractive and we get along great


Couple of days a go we kissed for the first time it was nice but idk if it was like something seems off


idk if i should pressure a relationship with her cuz it might ruin our friendship and neither of us want that


but the real kicker is she has a boyfriend and she doesn't want to break up with him for someone she wants it to happen other ways



do i wait ?

Am i wrong for feeling like a Second option ?

Should i Try With her?


It's a horrible feeling Im sure when you think there is someone else in the picture. Tell her how you feel, the details will later all fall into place. x

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but the real kicker is she has a boyfriend and she doesn't want to break up with him for someone

Typical cheater tactic... Always playing the victim in their relationship to get sympathy.


You knew kissing her was wrong no matter how she spins it. She's got a boyfriend. End of story.


Now it's time to end your friendship with this drama queen. Please go find someone who is available. Don't wait around for a cheater... You have better standards than that.

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