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Dating but starting to have feelings for someone else!!!!


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My boyfriend and I have ben dating for a year and a half. We are both 19 years old and have had faced some real struggles. When university started we did long distance at first it was fun, we loved seeing each other and spending time with one another. I always put 110% into it but eventually he wanted to lessen the amount we saw each other because it was hard for us to create social lives... apparently. I stuck with him through thick and thin with mental illness at school. It was a ty year to say the least but I never stopped loving, texting, and checking up on him when he wanted space and a "break" because I found out he had cheated on me... We broke up for a little while and are now back together.


I may sound naive but I love him more then i ever did- he works out, has a job, goes to school in my city, has a good group of friends and is more confident in us and himself - people really do change, even if he wasn't my bf I would still say all this.


He is very regretful and often sad of his past mistakes. However over time it seems as though he has forgotten and I am still obviously holding onto the past and it is hard to move forward.

I do enjoy being with him, and calling him but it seems our relationship is very simple.


There is a boy in my class and I have started developing feelings for him, we have a lot in common and he seems like a cute, nice guy who may or may not reciprocate these feelings. I have recently had images of him and get butterflies in my stomach thinking about him. I can't tell my bf so i am obviously really nervous but I don't know what to do...


Because I love my boyfriend he is my heart and we have been together through thick and thin and I can't stand the thought of loosing him and friendship would be too difficult. But I feel like I am to tied down and want different things in my life (even though I don't know if this guy can even offer that) I just am confused... maybe i don't want a bf anymore and the past was to hard to create a beautiful future that I keep striving for.

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Hello Jamie, you sounded like a great gf. Its not an easy task to stick with someone through thick and thin and even getting back together with him even though he cheated. Do you and your bf ever discussed about the future together ? Like living together someday or marriage or anything of sort? I think you should discuss it with him if you hadn't because to me it is important that you guys see a future together. You love him but I think you should ask yourself if he loves you the same and he is doing whatever he can to keep you around. If you are looking for something serious...you gotta find someone that wants to keep you around and afraid to lose you. Really ask yourself and be honest if you see a future with your boyfriend.

About your other friend, maybe you could just get to know him better and see if he's potentially a better boyfriend, for your future(not talking about money and fame) and so. In the end, my advice may be useless as I don't know the situation too well but I hope things get better for you soon. Cheers!

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