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Work hookup?


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On friday i went out with work - i ended up getting very drunk and ended up in a hotel with a guy that works in the same company as me - never saw him in this light before up until now that is.


We didnt sleep together , had kisses and a grop and a fumble and he dropped me home in the morning, since then our paths havent crossed and we havent spoken - we dont really much to be fair anyways unless we see eachother in our work kitchen and we speak for maybe a few minutes - we have been out on a night out once before but nothing happened.


Now i cant stop thinking about him and want to hook up - we briefly said hello on the tuesday but that was about it - i think i went red and got abit embarrased.


His friend was also in the hotel with us but left us to be alone when we was hooking up for some kisses - after that we spent the night chatting and talking and then i went to sleep.


I know its not the greatest story ever and puts me not in a good ligut but i would like to hang out again - i know he is on dating websites and activeley dating but he isnt in a realtionship from what i know - nothing serious anyways


Can this happen again? I Quite fancy him now and i just dont know what to do, we work in th same company but different departments in the same biggesh room


I know im mad but i was thinking he would ot maybe emailed or reached out but hasnt but this is work and im unsure how to play it

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Yeh with work i always think these things arent ever the same as normal dating due to having to see eachother everyday and it being awkward - when he dropped me home i said please dont say anything to anyone as i dont want to be gossipied about


Im not confident to ask him for lunch - but ur right he should of asked really or reached out?

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I think you need to make up your mind about what you want. Nothing much really happened between you to be blushing over. Also, you made it clear to him that you don't want him bringing this up, so why would he? If you want more, you'll have to actually step up here and let him know that you actually like him and that the other evening wasn't just you being drunk and wearing beer goggles.

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Yes you are right but i blush all the time it is so embarrasing!!


Yes i know i said not to say nothing but its to save face as well as i dont want him regretting anything


I would say we kissed and we removed a few clothes and have a touch but not sex - he couldnt get it up anyways im not to sure what would of happened if he did


What small sign of interest do i look for? Im not the most outgoing of people but not an introvert either - i would like there to be another kiss definatley but im not sure if HE is interested

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Yes you are right but i blush all the time it is so embarrasing!!


Yes i know i said not to say nothing but its to save face as well as i dont want him regretting anything


I would say we kissed and we removed a few clothes and have a touch but not sex - he couldnt get it up anyways im not to sure what would of happened if he did


What small sign of interest do i look for? Im not the most outgoing of people but not an introvert either - i would like there to be another kiss definatley but im not sure if HE is interested


You may be not be outgoing but can you pick up on social queues ? Does he look at you? Initiate a conversation? Linger around in your presence?

If you were to initiate any of these same things does he mirror you by responding, smiling, anything?

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Ermmmm i think he has glanced over in my direction once or twice but i didnt read to much into it - at the beginning he didnt but as the week has drawn on he has - so maybe he has relaxed a little


We dont cross paths that much to be perfectly honest with you it would only ever really be at lunch time - and he came in once and said hello but i felt abit embarrased - he tried talking to my colleague who i was sitting with which i thought was good he was acting normal


I just dont know it is such a difficult one - i really wish something could happen - shall i smile or something and see what happens or what?

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Haha i know that


What should i do to give me a hint that he is or isnt interested without feeling embarrased incase there is a rejection?

Unfortunately there is always a good chance of rejection when it comes to matters of the heart.

There are no guarentees.

The goal here is to trust yourself enough to handle what ever comes your way. .

Add in the risk of continually running into him at work. Is it a risk you are willing to take and can you handle it?

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That is a valid point and the answer would be no as im having a hard time as it is now but i would just change jobs if it came to that - wouldnt bother me


And yeh always rejection which i cant ruin the risk of doing - which is why i hate i work with him at least if this was over text i could use work as a distraction i cant do this in this sceneario

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Okay so its been a full working week and tbh nothing im really sad about this as i was wanting something to happen i cant stop thinking about him - i hate when im never fancied back


You don't know what he's thinking and instead of filling in the blank with someone painful, consider the fact that he does fancy you, he's just one who won't cross the line with this coworkers.

Head high.

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Okay so its been a full working week and tbh nothing im really sad about this as i was wanting something to happen i cant stop thinking about him - i hate when im never fancied back


So next time you think there might be potential choose to stay sober and get to know the person in a more traditional way.

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