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Hi I'm new here,

Long story short .. I live in Australia and i met my boyfriend here. He is in the marines on deployment from usa. We were together for 3 months. Our relationship was great we were talking about our future me moving to America marriage and kids.


He moved back to California 3weeks ago i was meant to visit him in 4days with flight and accommodation all paid for. Last week we had a fight. it was small and stupid and was completely my fault. we were on the phone and i can hear his phone were ringing. i told him to talk to me when he is not busy and i hung up. few days later he msg me and said hes done with me and can't do it anymore. he blocked my number, facebook, instragram and snapchat.. i tried to contact him and get him back say i was sorry but i couldn't get through him. i msg his friend today to find out where i stand with the date of my flight is coming up.

his friend msg me back said hes done and hes moving on and wishing me the best and sorry we didnt work out


what should i do? i still love him and wanted to be with him. i know it was only together for 3 months but we had deep connection..please help

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Hi Sammy1987, was that the 1st time you guys were fighting? Being together for only 3 months and getting upset because his phone was ringing may come across as too much. How often have you been trying to contact him since? If you’re contacting his friend it just gives him an excuse to think you’re being attached and clingy. I’m not saying that you are, but it can be seen as such. Try letting him be for a couple weeks and see. If he contacts you he is still interested, if he doesn’t you should give it about 3 weeks total and send him a message then just saying hi. If he still doesn’t respond you may want to move on.

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3 months in is infatuation and marriage should never have been discussed until you'd been regularly together (physically) for at least a year. Even if he'd been gung ho about that kind of serious talk, when reality sunk in with your planned visit that you two don't really know each other well enough to consider that, he found it best to bail.


I'd suggest sticking to local dating. It has a higher risk for success when you can date at a normal pace and really get to know each other gradually over time, versus the unnatural state of things with LDRs.

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Hi Sammy1987, was that the 1st time you guys were fighting? Being together for only 3 months and getting upset because his phone was ringing may come across as too much. How often have you been trying to contact him since? If you’re contacting his friend it just gives him an excuse to think you’re being attached and clingy. I’m not saying that you are, but it can be seen as such. Try letting him be for a couple weeks and see. If he contacts you he is still interested, if he doesn’t you should give it about 3 weeks total and send him a message then just saying hi. If he still doesn’t respond you may want to move on.


we fought few times due to my own insecurities. the last time we fought because we haven't spoke for few days (only texts) when we talked im too upset that he wasnt pay attention to me. i think he broke up because i pushed him too far. he fed up and gave up on us.


i have been trying to contact him for the past 5 days but got no where as he blocked me.

its my first day of NC and accepting it and trying to move on. i still miss him and woke up during the night because all i can think was how happy i was when im with him.

i just lost the love of my life. he is perfect but my own fault that pushed him away

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