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Why he gives me a gift if he is not interested??


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There is this guy I met casually over a randomly dinner in April. I found him pretty interesting as he seemed to be the introverted type and he is also quite cute. Nothing happened after the dinner though, but he would comment on my facebook statues sometimes and I initiated conversation once after he commented on my status. Came August and he responded to my post on social media again, asking if I was back in town and that we should hang out. I thought I should initiate conversation and take charge a bit more, so he asked right away if I wanted to have dinner and he would pick me up. So we had dinner and I am quite sure it wasn't a date although he picked me up and all, but the vibe didn't feel like one and it wasn't flirty. He hasn't texted since, and then again I initiated conversation and we talked more hours, flirting and everything. I know he is a super busy guy and always travelling, and since I was initiating all these conversations I thought I should move on, because I don't think he was that interested.


After about a week, he texted me for the first time, and asked if I wanted to join a dinner with him and his colleague. He said it is quite boring eating alone with the other guy, and thought if I joined it would be fun. Again, just a casual dinner and I had fun laughing with them. He was then gone on a work trip for 2 weeks.


When he got back in town, he texted me to ask if I wanted to eat, and that he got a gift for me from the airport - a box of chocolate biscuits. I was quite stoked, and suggested we could meet a few days later. So on that day, he had to see some construction workers in the far side of town for a few minutes and asked me to go along with him, he picked me up and we drove around (basically spent most of the time laughing and talking in his car), and then we ended up having dinner. I really enjoyed that night, we joked around a lot, but I must say it wasn't super flirtations (to be honest I don't know how to flirt in person). He had to go home to do some paperwork, and said he would tell me when he is back in town because AGAIN he had to go on another worktrip.


By that point I was a bit sure that he was at least somewhat interested, because I have only met him a few times, and he sort of went out of his way to see me. But I have not heard from him ever since again - it's been 2 weeks, and I know again he has been travelling but he didn't even text or anything.


So I am not asking if he is interested or not, because I am pretty sure that he isnt'... but what's with the gifts and hanging out then? Does he really just want my company (and nothing less) because I make him laugh? He doesn't even seem to be looking for sex.


So many of these weird encounters happen to me and they never lead to anything.....

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I think he's interested in you , otherwise he would have not asked you to meet him , maybe he's just too shy and you should start the first move towards him. You said he hasnt texted you yet whilst he's on a trip , why don't you text him first ?

It happened to me before , seeing a guy who seemed uninterested but we went out on a date frequently, when I started the first move kissing him, the rest is history.. Good luck

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How old is this guy? Just trying to figure out his behavior. You said you had weird meet-ups in the past that never led to anything. Is is some kind of vibe you're giving off? Are these much older men you're running into? Is it that you never make a first move or a first text? He might think you're not interested.

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How old is this guy? Just trying to figure out his behavior. You said you had weird meet-ups in the past that never led to anything. Is is some kind of vibe you're giving off? Are these much older men you're running into? Is it that you never make a first move or a first text? He might think you're not interested.


Dan, he is just a few years older - 30. But he is not the very mature type. I don't know what vibe I am giving off, but I have tried harder than I would have with other guys. For example I have mostly initiated conversation (although we don't text often ). But it is true that I don't really know how to flirt. I just think that he was interested, wouldn't he have texted a bit more after we met last time. Today though, after 2 weeks, he finally texted asking if I was in the same town as he was traveling in. I wasn't.


Am I reading too much into this, if I think he's not that interested then he probably isn't that interested?

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