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It's been 3 weeks today that he broke off our engagement. The first week was hell but in the past 2 weeks we have been talking. I tried to have as little contact as possible, but we share a daughter so that makes it impossible. He is sending me mixed signals and I asked him about it, to which he replied that he obviously still loves me, but I have changes to make, which I am working on. I'm trying to give him space but it's hard. I've blocked him off of most social media. He is so incredibly stubborn. And I realize I can't push him into reuniting. But I'm running out of patience. I want him back but at the same time I'm angry that he broke it off. I'm also very insecure and worry about him dating someone else. I'm trying to be graceful and natural about it all but it's hard.

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It looks like he is taking complete control here . Did he give you s specific reason for the breakup ? If there are changes you need to make as he put it could these changes not have been done within the relationship instead of splitting up . He appears to have given you hope of reconciliation but yes you can’t be expected to sit and wait inn limbo .

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