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ok here is the situaction im 18 and my girlfriend is 17 im out of school and she is a junior in high school i was just wondering if i should leave or stay here are the problem when i first asked here out is was the best time of my life but after like one month if changed. I would call her all time and and she would never call me and when i wanted to spend time i had to tell her she never want to tell me when she want to hang out and she tell me that she likes me but i asked her if she really wanted a boyfriend she said i don't know but she said im the niceist guy she ever met. So when she tell me she is going to hang out with friends i always finding her around with others guys her ex's so i kinda get mad but i won't tell her anything about it because i hate getting in confrentations like that. so im just asking for anyones advice should i cut it off or continue with it.

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Hey man, I'd hate to be the bearer of bad new (got a lot myself this week...) But I don't think now's the right time. things tend to get hectic when you first meet someone and date them, depending on how quickly it moves she may be scared. i don't know the details, but I know moving to quick with feelings and such screwed my relationship in the beginning. we broke up and actually hated each other (well, she was being a mean bitch and i was being a dick back) but come summer time we started hanging out again and actually fell in love all over (i always loved her, as did she, but she covered it up realll well). Just chill for a little bit, don't talk about relationships and just try to be a friend. Don't get mad or jealous, just give her what she needs, time, space, whatever the case is, give her what she wants/needs, it'll turn out better that way.

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