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Boyfriend Left me After 8 Years


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Hi all, exactly a week ago my boyfriend of 8 years broke up with me out of the blue. I was not expecting this at all. We lived together and had two cats together as well. A year ago he begged me to move in, so I did. Then, just a few weeks ago, he added me to his phone plan. And now here we are-8 year relationship down the drain. He told me he did love me but he doesn’t anymore and that he woke up one morning and just said “ it” and thought we should break up. He is acting very cocky and almost as if he is trying to make me jealous even though he broke up with me. I had to meet up with him today to get a few more of my things, and he tried really hard to make it seem as if he had plans to rush to and that women were just all over him. I am very confused by his actions and I am dumbfounded as to what went wrong in the relationship and why it ended so suddenly. He didn’t want to talk about it and also said he is miserable and wants to see if i’m the cause of him being miserable... hence why he got rid of me.


I am so broken.

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Girlfriend, I'm in a somewhat similar situation. A week ago my ex also broke up with me out of the blue. A month ago he suggested living together. Fast forward to last weekend and he broke up with me. He also really doesn't have a reason for why this all happened.


I can't tell you what will happen. I can't tell you that you'll feel better anytime soon. I obviously feel just as terrible as you do. My strategy is just to do whatever makes me feel better in the moment....whether that is crying, binge watching tv, texting my friends for reassurance, etc. I think you know that you have to be the strong one in this situation by not playing into his games of making you jealous and being manipulative. It's easy to say and almost impossible to do. You cannot do anything to change his mind. He is the only one who can realize he's making a mistake.

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Get off his phone plan.


I agree with comment about 100% NC and let him experience 100% single. It's rough but you can do it and you should.


But get off his phone plan. Being on it gives him a control and potentially a continuous insight into your whole communication world, neither of which he any longer deserves.


The eight year mark seems to be a common time for this type of breakup, and I don't know what it means. But I'm in same boat, and sympathize.

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Same boat here too, randomly got up said he needed space after 6 years but still wanted to "be with me" couple of days by and he's with another girl already. I know it's so heartbreaking and all I've been doing is asking myself "why" but girls, I don't even think they know why.


Boys are so different to us, they aren't as smart and mature. If they can't see what's right in front of them loving and taking care of them, and still want to leave and explore different things, let them. There will come a time when it was just "click" in their head. And I guarantee most of them will regret it immensely

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