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Where do I go from here


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It's been almost a month since we broke up, today he messaged me asking how I was doing and we started joking around like the old times. It was no contact during this time apart


During no contact, he would frequently like my posts, etc. but I did not return it.


Our breakup was not bad at all, no rude remarks were made or nasty name calling. It was friendly but sad.

I've had a feeling he missed me all this time but I wanted time alone regardless to heal, it's worked.


What should I do from here?

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It's been almost a month since we broke up, today he messaged me asking how I was doing and we started joking around like the old times. It was no contact during this time apart


During no contact, he would frequently like my posts, etc. but I did not return it.


Our breakup was not bad at all, no rude remarks were made or nasty name calling. It was friendly but sad.

I've had a feeling he missed me all this time but I wanted time alone regardless to heal, it's worked.


What should I do from here?


It depends, what do YOU want?


Do you want to try again, get back together?


If so, then ask him why he has reached out again, what was his purpose? What does he want?


If he says he just wanted to say hi, and be "friends" and that is okay with you, then continue chatting and be "friends." No harm no foul.


Or, if you don't know how you feel or what you want (with him), then continue chatting and see how it plays out.


Either he will step up, ask to see you, tell you he's missed you and wants to try again, OR he's bored, having a dry spell, needs an ego stroke or whatever.


Again, it really depends on what YOU want.

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