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Update 4 months of no contact


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So I’m sure you guys remember being a beta puss ball about my ex about 4 months ago, me wanting to send her roses and that letter. So I sent it and let me tell you biggest mistake ever BUT definitely a lesson learned to have followed no contact a while before that. So the day I sent her the flowers and letters she told me I’m with someone else but sorry I’m not the girl you wish to be with. So after that I finally did go no contact, blocked her number, blocked her on social media and everything. During the time not going to lie still missed her but remained in no contact and you know what? It was the best decision ever, especially for my own happiness here I am 4 months later and I feel ing great, been partying with friends meeting other chicks 10x better, out dating other women, meeting new people, working & soon going back to nursing school for my RN BSN degree, been working out and my confidence has sky rocketed. To those who are going through a break up with their ex gf please stay NO CONTACT for your own good, trust me I wish I wouldn’t have been in denial those prior months before I went no contact. Listen to these people here they’re here to help you out. This is a definite lesson learned and will always apply this. Don’t do no contact to hope for a reconciliation with her do this for your happiness! The crazy ed up part was she called me last week from another number cause she wanted to “work things out” and you know what, I didn’t even want to get back with her after I realized how she wasn’t the right girl for me, and I told her whatever happened with us is in the past but I do wish you the best in life and thank you for the good times but I’m not interested in a reconciliation. I’m happy being single and that’s whats important. You yourself being happy! So I’m hoping to help anyone that’s going through a break up please stay strong and listen to these people. Things will get better I promise you that. Thanks to everyone on this forum you guys are awesome!

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Good on you MasterChief! I'm glad you're in a better place.



A word of caution, from male to male - drop the "Beta puss ball" stuff and get real.


Woman like sensitivity - and you showing your feelings to a girl you like is no sign of weakness.

You'll find her one day and you'll give her everything and you'll realize the insignificance of words like beta and alpha.


Stay Strong my man,

I hope your deadlifts are twice as heavy in another 4 months!

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