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Brain surgery cancelled very last minute

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Was scheduled for brain surgery tomorrow morning to remove part of a tumor.

Tumor cause me many problems, most important of all trigeminal neuralgia which has gotten too bad now.... so many meds plus morphine.... this is no life but the pain i can't live with....

So remove tumor was the plan. Risky scary plan with a big chance of lasting damage...

Was in the hospitalc today, got checked in, got my Iv

And then the doctor comes in and tells me it won't happen because they have no room at the ICU tomorrow and i need to stay in the ICU because of the risk....

We had to go home again and I'm totally crushed..

Was prepared for it mentally and physically and then this blow.....

In January the same thing happened with an MVD surgery, but at that time i was still home when they cancelled. Now i was there with an IV....

Brother is coming over from Sweden again next week and like in January, for nothing!

I'm so upset!

Boyfriend just left, he came over after work to be here for a while but now I'm alone and I'm crying so i just come on here because i can't sleep now.....

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Sara, I'm so sorry! This is crushing. It must be horrible to do all the planning and waiting, and have family plans change - and then to have it cancelled/postponed last minute. Ugh. Fingers crossed the rescheduled date goes through - big (hugs) so sorry for you dear.

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It was like a punch in the gut really.... and not just for me but everyone around me was waiting for tomorrow, nervous for the day, plans had been made to come visit me, i was given help around the house after the surgery, have to postpone that as well. Have a freezer filled with 30 meals for after the surgery but nothing to eat today. The house is clean, I managed to not get a cold but now that will be tricky again the coming 2 weeks...

I'm just very upset..... it's not a small surgery, this is major brain surgery that i was really dreading and scared about and they just cancel, just like that....and so i will have to deal with the anxiety for longer...

Sucks! Crap!

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Can you change hospitals?


No this one is specialised in this kind of surgery and the neurosurgeon i have is the best here so I'm glad i have him and i want him! He did my gamma knife radiation, he did my MVD in March and i really trust him.... this surgery is hard enough so you do need that faith in your surgeon.....

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No this one is specialised in this kind of surgery and the neurosurgeon i have is the best here so I'm glad i have him and i want him! He did my gamma knife radiation, he did my MVD in March and i really trust him.... this surgery is hard enough so you do need that faith in your surgeon.....


Totally agree. In the States, many physicians will will out of several hospitals. But, they must also have the necessary equipment.

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  • 2 weeks later...

been to the hospital today, had small tests done to see where I'm at now and how that will be after the surgery, walk a straight line, stand on toes and heels (couldn't stand on heels btw) close eyes and point to nose etc...

They put 9 small plastic caps on my head to mark special points on the mri and will help the surgeon decide where what is.

They did an mri and asked me if i want CPR..... that question always hits me....

Got my wristband on and they informed me that the surgery will be Tuesday morning instead of Monday.... so i have to be there Monday evening.

Oh well one more day....but that did mean that i will get a singles room which is extremely important for me for personal reasons... Sunday that wouldn't have happened....

And since i said a while ago that i rather move they surgery then stay in a 4 person room, they listened! And understood!

So I'm a patient now but at home.... have to try to keep the plastic caps on all weekend! Lol.... oh well.....

Tomorrow brother from Sweden comes over.....

10 days went by really fast! But if it had been the old date i would have come home yesterday! Oh well.....

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Thank you! Didn't have a good night cause sleeping with those caps on is uncomfortable and had some nightmares about me dying... ugh....

And on top of everything the pain started again! Cannot up my morphine cause anaesthesia is calculated on what i have been taking so far and don't want to add to that....

It's still in the early stages ago no electric shocks yet but that can come fast. So I'm in for a rough weekend!

No one knows that I'm on this site which is why I'm able to post what i want, so unfortunately you all have to wait until I'm able to post myself again.... hopefully Wednesday!

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Thank you! Didn't have a good night cause sleeping with those caps on is uncomfortable and had some nightmares about me dying... ugh....

And on top of everything the pain started again! Cannot up my morphine cause anaesthesia is calculated on what i have been taking so far and don't want to add to that....

It's still in the early stages ago no electric shocks yet but that can come fast. So I'm in for a rough weekend!

No one knows that I'm on this site which is why I'm able to post what i want, so unfortunately you all have to wait until I'm able to post myself again.... hopefully Wednesday!


Alway looking forward to your posts, and I hope the pain subsides. Project your mind forward toward enjoying a happy and healthy Wednesday--feel yourself going there. Hang in there, honey!


Love, Cat

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